Chapter Three

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Ella pulled away from Lani and smiled. "Come in."

"Are you alright my friend?"

She shrugged, "I will be." and pulled out a chair at the dining table and sat on it. Lani did the same.

"Your parents are worried sick about you." Lani told her. "Why didn't you go home you had me worried too?"

"How did they find out I was back?" Ella didn't want them to find out just yet, she wanted a few days to herself, to be alone with her feelings and then what? Go back home and pretend everything was fine, that she and Dylan were okay? The tiny voice at the back of her mind mocked.

It had a point though, she would never be able to hide what happened from her parents, they would find out one way or another.

"Dylan went to your house yesterday and he created such a scene. Your mom demanded I tell her what happened but I told her it wasn't my story to tell." Lani explained.

Ella sighed, it seemed like it was going to be sooner rather than later.

Lani chuckled all of a sudden in amusement. " you should've seen Kristina though,"

"Why, what did she do?"

"She threatened to cut off Dylan's balls if anything happened to you."

Ella laughed then, it was actually kind of funny picturing someone as slight as her sister Kristina issuing threats to someone like Dylan. When their laughter died down Lani asked, "have you had anything to eat?"

"Yes, Bryan brought me food a while ago."

"Bryan?" Lani's brows furrowed and she stared at Ella in utter confusion. Who would blame her though? it was no secret to Lani that the entire pretty boy clique disliked Ella so hearing Bryan had the capacity to show kindness was a surprise.

"He's actually sweet you know." Ella said. "He's been kind and a good friend to me."

"Are you sure he's not just looking for an opportunity to rub it in?"

"Actually, he hasn't mentioned Dylan to me in the past two days which is quite considerate of him."

"Who would've thought huh?" Lani reached out suddenly and took Ella's hand. "Are you really okay?"

Ella rolled her eyes. "Don't be so melodramatic i'm not going to die in the next few hours." She said trying to make light of the situation but Ella knew she wasn't okay, she knew that it might take a while for her to stop hurting but she didn't want Lani worrying about her. Even though the past two days had been fun and she was able to lighten the weight, Ella knew things would be different once she decided to get back to the real world.

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