Chapter Four

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Ella's mother enveloped her in a tight embrace before pulling back and ushering her in, her dad stood aloof, a stony expression on his weathered face and Ella knew he was disappointed in her and when she finished telling the entire story he didn't utter a word.

Ella went to him and threw her arms around him as she broke into a choking sob.

"I'm sorry father, I did it because I wanted to save you from those loan sharks."

"You should've told me the truth sooner, I would've found a way." her father insisted.

"And you would've had to get a loan somewhere else and then what? You would end up being up to your neck in debt father and who knows what those other people might demand in exchange."

Ella saw tears pool in her father's eyes, his lips trembled with emotion as he faced her.

"I'm sorry anak, forgive me, I couldn't do anything for this family instead I dragged you down into my mess and you had to make sacrifices to make up for my incompetence."

"Don't say that Eduardo, what is done is done, what we have to do now is help our daughter get back on he feet." Adele said.

"Mother is right father," Kristina put in. "Ate needs us to be strong." She placed her hand on Ella's shoulder and rested her head. Ella smiled, all these love was exactly what she needed. Whatever made her stay away in the first place?

Ella felt strangely at ease after having being home to see all the love that surrounded her and even though that didn't quite take away the pain of Dylan's deceit, it made it more bearable for she was not alone, she's got her family and friends to support her. She strolled through the yard until she got to the lake and felt emotional once more as she remembered the first time Dylan brought her to the house, it had been fun; the two of them having a look around the new house and the picnic by the lake which ended with a passionate kiss.

It wasn't possible that he felt nothing for her or that the care he'd shown to her was all a lie. Ella shivered as the wind picked up and she rubbed her arm to keep warm, just then, she felt a warm cloth draped over her shoulders before she saw Kristina who came and stood beside her.

"Mom asked me to bring you the sweater and to ask if you needed anything."

"I'm okay." Ella replied.

They both fell silent for a while before Kristina spoke. "Ate, I have a confession to make."

Ella raised curious brows.

"I was really jealous of you when I heard you were getting married to Dylan Vergara. I admit that i've always wanted that kind of life and sometimes it feels suffocating to live the way we do not knowing if we'd have enough food to eat or if i'd be able to finish school. And when you began to get all the attention from mother and father I guess I started to hate you for being so lucky."


"Pathetic I know." She laughed nervously. "Now I know that you had no choice, that you did it for father. I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time ate will you forgive me?"

Tears rolled down Kristina's cheeks and Ella couldn't bear the torture so she pulled her sister in a long embrace as tears filled her own eyes. She didn't think that all the buckets she'd shed there would be nothing more left but it felt like a dam had burst open inside of her.

"You should know that i'll always love you no matter what Kristina." Ella assured her and they held onto each other as they continued to sob into one another's shoulders.

A VERGARA'S LOVE (The Young Billionaires #3)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now