Chapter Seventeen

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Ella didn't understand what was going after she recovered from her shock she picked up her phone and dialled Bryan's number and was relieved to hear him pick up. She quickly told him what happened and he was shocked as well.

"Have you spoken with Dylan?" she asked frantically.

"No. He was gone for a few days and no one knew where he went then he suddenly reappeared. I have no idea of what could've happened or why he would send you divorce papers."

"I have no idea either. Bryan do you think he changed his mind? Or that he got tired of waiting?" Ella didn't want to think that that was the case.

"Ella, if there's any thing i'm sure of it's that Dylan loves you." Bryan assured her and Ella nodded like he could see her. "You shouldn't worry about this, i'll talk to Dylan."

"Thank you Bryan."

Ella still didn't feel better after that and she decided that the only possible solution was to speak with Dylan face to face and have him explain why he suddenly wants to be separated from her.

"Savannah what a surprise." Dylan literally almost ran into his ex as he was exiting the elevator. He never thought he'd see her again after all these time. "What are you doing here?"

"I was in town so I decided to come say hi." She smiled sweetly at him and Dylan realised that smile that used to disarm him had zero effect on him now.

"Um, I was just on my way home do you care for coffee?"

"I'd love that." Dylan led them both downstairs to Skyline's restaurant.

"I hope i'm not a bother?"

"No you're not." Dylan said truthfully. "How have you been?"

"I haven't exactly been myself since we broke up..." Savannah trailed off as she realised he wasn't particularly comfortable talking about what they had so she expertly steered the conversation away from the past. "I heard you got married."

Dylan sipped his coffee in silence, it was another topic he didn't feel comfortable discussing much less with her.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Why don't we talk about you." he offered.

Savannah laughed nervously. "There's nothing much to talk about. I've travelled a lot in the past few months and it's done me a lot of good actually." Dylan had a feeling there was something she didn't want him to know but he dismissed it as something that wasn't his concern.

"That's good to hear."

They lapsed into an awkward silence and she seemed fidgety.

"Dylan do you think that if all that with Jason never happened that we could've been happy together?"

Dylan considered her question for a moment then he said, "I don't know if things could've worked out between us but i'd say that whatever happened was for the best."

"You know the thing with Jason was a one time thing." She explained with an eagerness Dylan understood as her wanting him to understand her. "It just happened suddenly, I needed someone and he was right there was just a kiss, it didn't mean anything."

"You could've come to me."

"I know i'm sorry."

"It's all in the past now it doesn't matter since we've both moved on."

"Yes you're right." She agreed reluctantly.

Dylan dropped Savannah off at her aunt's house and asked Jonathan to drop him off at the apartment where he'd enjoyed his solitary moments when to his chagrin he saw Bryan waiting at the steps.

Dylan walked past him and jammed the key into the lock, he twisted and pushed the door open. He switched on the lights and shrugged out of his jacket.

"You've been hiding out here for a while now." Bryan observed. "Is something wrong?"

"Things have never been better." he replied distractedly.

"I know you sent Ella divorce papers."

"Straight to the point I see." Dylan bit out sourly as he turned to face him. "Let me ask you one question Bryan, are you my friend or Ella's?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you're still my friend then you should be on my side." Dylan poured himself a glass of water then he walked over to the couch and sank into it.

Bryan hovered over him and accused. "So you did send it deliberately. Do you really not love her?"

"I don't have to explain anything to you Bryan."

"Dylan you know you can tell me anything and I would understand. In the beginning I may not have been very accommodating with your relationship but Ella is a great girl and she loves you I know you love her too don't do this."

Dylan stared at him pointedly. "Are you done? You can leave." he dismissed coldly leaving Bryan speechless.

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