Chapter Eight

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Ella started as Idad came into the room just then. "You're Dylan's grandmother aren't you?" the older woman looked taken aback. Ella always thought her eyes were familiar now she knew they were just like Doña Bianca's.

"Please don't tell him Ella, promise me you won't tell Dylan." She pleaded.

"Why not? He has the right to know you're his grandmother Idad and Doña Bianca, she's your daughter how could she treat you this way?"

Idad looked away and swallowed nervously, then she walked to the bed and sat on the edge. "I deserve it for I did to her."

"What could you have possibly done Idad?" Ella covered the space between them and knelt down in front of her. She stared reverently at her face as she waited for her response.

"Because I abandoned my own daughter when she needed me the most and Bianca never forgave me for it."

Ella couldn't believe it. She never would've thought that Idad would do something like that but who was she to judge? "I'm such a horrible mother." She lamented.

Ella didn't believe for a second that she was a horrible person, one mistake doesn't define a person there must've been something that made her do what she did. "Why did you Idad?"

"I'm sorry but I don't want to talk about it. But promise me Ella, Dylan mustn't know about this."

"I promise." Ella said reluctantly.

A loud horn pulled Ella out of her reverie, she turned and saw Dylan pull over in front of her. It was drizzling but she'd been too distracted to notice.

"Get in." he said.

Ella hesitated but quickly figured there was no harm in accepting a ride from him. He drove off as soon as she settled in, they were both silent. Ella stole a sideways glance at him, his expression was serious as he concentrated on the road ahead he didn't look so bad tonight she thought and then wondered what his reaction would be when he finds out about Idad, Dylan already sees the charming woman as part of his family, nevertheless, the truth might still hurt.

"You must be wondering how is it that I am so extremely good looking right?" Dylan suddenly said with a smug smile, trust him to say something like that.

"You wish." Ella murmured. Dylan grinned and pulled the car to a stop in front of the house. "Goodnight Dylan." She said and began to climb out of the car when Dylan held her hand unexpectedly.

"Ella..." he trailed off and for a second appeared like he was going to say more but he shook his head slightly and slowly let go off her hand. "Goodnight Ella."

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