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Jungkook slipped into Yoongi's bed, curling himself up beside the sleepy rapper. This had become a frequent habit for Jungkook and he'd do it whenever either of them was stressed. Today, both of them were stressed as fuck.

Yoongi hugged him closer, groggily nuzzling into Jungkook. "I ruined your night," he whined, kissing Jungkook's cheek.

Jungkook looked at him for a moment, noting his his hair swayed on his forehead, his cheeks pink and lips red.

"What happened to you, hyung?" he asked after  removing a strand of hair from in front of Yoongi's eye.

"I'm just under some stress, it's okay. I shouldn't have done that to you and Taehyung. You guys shouldn't have even invited me,"

"It was Taehyung's idea," Jungkook explained. Although it came out more as a 'it wasn't me that wanted you there'.

That wasn't the response Yoongi wanted. It only made him feel like Jungkook didn't even want him. His expression immidiately changed and he blinked blankly a numerous amount of times.

"Goodnight, Jungkook," Yoongi rolled to the other side, groaning and letting go of the younger.

Jungkook stared at his boyfriend's back, confused as to what he said or did wrong.


Taehyung and Jungkook were at a cafe the next day, chatting away with coffee in hand.

"I'm kind of glad Yoongi hyung isn't here," Jungkook stated, sipping in his drink.

Taehyung hummed, "Do you not like him anymore?"

"No, no. It's not that. It's just that he's getting so annoying and irritated lately. He doesn't even have time for me,"

"Have you tried talking to him about it?"

"Everytime I try he shuts me up one way or another. But I'm sure it's okay; he said he's working on a new track. He always gets stressed when he's in the process of that,"

Taehyung, again, hummed in response and carried sipping his coffee. "He's still your boyfriend. Why don't you take him out somewhere?" 

Jungkook was inclined to the idea and nodded. "I'll ask him,"


Yoongi opened the door of the cafe, scoffing silently at the bells that jingled above him when he did so.

With his hands in his pockets, he walked over to the counter and ordered a black Americano, sitting himself down on one of the high chairs infront of the counter.

The cup of coffee arrived and Yoongi got up from his chair in one swift movement, grabbing the cup and sipping the wonderfully bitter coffee.

He turned around and paused for a moment when he saw Taehyung and Jungkook looking back at him, confused and slightly concerned.

Jungkook wasn't sure what he was seeing; why was Yoongi being so careless and arrogant? He brought himself to open his mouth and speak before Yoongi rudely interrupted him by rolling his eyes and walking off to his car outside the cafe.

The pair of maknaes sat there dumbfounded and unsure, Jungkook starting to feel more and more pissed at the rapper.


Yoongi pulled up along the road where there was a little space to park.

He put his feet up on the dash and stared at the calming scenery infront of him. The trees below the railing, fog settling in into the greenery and clouds slowly turning the sky darker than it should be at that time in the day. The lake in the midst of the trees reflected the dim sky above; it looked like a painting. The birds chirped in unison, the trees swaying in the wind that whistled simultaneously and the clouds racing by in the sky.

Yoongi's skinny fingers wrapped tightly around the warm cup, desperately trying to get all the warmth from it, contrasting to the wintry temperature that had the rapper shivering vigorously. The warm, dark liquid slipped past his cold, pink lips and into his mouth.

The ambience was peaceful. Chase Atlantic was playing in his car speakers, nobody around to judge him nor see him. Yoongi felt at peace for once as he inhaled deeply and let his body shiver anyway, relishing the atmosphere as if he didn't have to go back later.


hi pls vote and comment on this short ass shitty chapter :3

i have so much art hwk but i'm not gonna do it lmao

anyway, i love you all xox

+{not proofread}+

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