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He ached so bad. Jungkook ached everywhere every time he even just took a breath. His throat stung from the number of times he had made himself vomit by shoving his finger down his throat. Yeah, it was a really shitty lifestyle to fall back into but Jungkook didn't know what else to do.

Jungkook hadn't really noticed any difference in his weight or appearance even though it had been almost two weeks since he had relapsed again which pushed him to work harder and eat lesser and lesser.


Jimin lay awake at three in the morning, wondering how they were going to go on as a group at this point. He didn't want Yoongi to be hated by everyone; he knew how sensitive that rapper actually was.

He was also concerned because he had recently noticed just how many people were giving Yoongi hate and it did lowkey break his heart.


He couldn't care less about the amount of blood thst flowed our from his considerably deep cut. It wasn't like Yoongi could care about it; he hardly even felt it.

His phone buzzed from notification after notification but the rapper ignored them all, just assuming that they were all hate comments.

If he had known about Jungkook's eating disorder relapse, Yoongi would have actually lost the tiniest bit of sanity that he had saved in his fucking up mind.

Yoongi himself wasn't doing good with his eating. He never really eat and when he did he'd be put off food for the rest of the day.

Everyone was fucked up in their own ways and all of them prayed for a fucking miracle to save them.


my friend had a party yesterday and i only stayed for a bit but it was really good.

although for the second half of it i just sorta sat on the stairs on my own and cried until one of my friends kindly took me to a secret room (that room is really nice) and comforted me about stuff.

oh and as i was leaving so many people hugged me and i felt really loved

and her (the host's) dog is so cUTE!

ok sorry this is long but-


i love you all so much!

+{not proofread at all i'm sleepy}+

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