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Jungkook honestly didn't know what to do. He tried to keep Yoongi out of his head for as long as possible, convincing himself that he shouldn't worry about him; he'll be fine.

The other members were just straight up awkward and avoided talking about Yoongi. They didn't want to just go and talk to him just because he was hurt. Although they had worried a little bit about him; it didn't last too long however.

Jungkook lay in his bed, curled up on his side and was thinking about going to see Yoongi in hospital despite being told to leave him be. He actually misses Yoongi a lot more than he let himself think. He really wanted to go in that hospital room and lay in bed with him, hugging him and holding him close. Jugnkook knew Yoongi enough to know that he didn't want to be completely alone - he was already feeling guilty for having turned the others against him. Although, he realised that he himself had gone through the hate of everyone and it hadn't been much different but he didn't realise that atleast he had Yoongi to go to.

Meanwhile at the hospital, a nurse and a doctor had talked to Yoongi about counselling and Yoongi immidiately protested against even the idea of it.

"As we were putting you on the drip we noticed the scars and cuts on your arm and well, they look self inflicted. We think we should refer you to our therapist for a few sessions."

Wow, were hospitals even supposed to be informal lile that?

"Therapist? No! No, no. I can't and I won't go to therapy." Yoongi's protest was strong and determined - he hated the idea of sitting in a room with a person who claimed they could make his life better when they really fucking could not.

"You won't have to go to it, Mr. Min. The therapist will be more than happy to come to you and we have sorted out any privacy and secret issues for you already so it would not be a problem." The doctor carried on, getting on Yoongi's nerves way too fucking much.

"I don't care if he comes to me or if I go to him, dammit. I don't want therapy. Fucking regardless of where it happens, I don't want it. I don't need it, it does absolutely fuck all!" Yoongi growled in response but the pair had no exact reaction, having being used to patients behaving like this.

"We'll give you some time to think about it, alright? Have a think and let us know if you change your mind." The nurse smiled sweetly and the pair started making their way out, pretty much just as a young brunette was coming in.

"Oh, doctor, did I pick the wrong time?" he asked politely, ready to leave if the answer to his question was 'yes'.

"No, no. We were just leaving. You can see to your friend," he flashed a smile and the younger smiled back slightly, continuing slowly making his way in.

As soon as Yoongi had heard Jungkook's voice, he turned to the other side, not having expected tearing up just like that and tried hard to hide his tears and sobbing.

The door sounded shut and Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut knowing it was only him and Jungkook in the room.

"Hyung..." Jungkook took a seat on the side of Yoongi's bed. "I know you're hurting,"

Well done, Jungkook. Well done, you realised I have feelings!

"And I- I'm sorry, okay? I know I shouldn't have just left you like that. I should've tried harder-"

"Jungkook." Yoongi now sat up and looked right into Jungkook's eyes. This was going to hurt to say. "When I told you to leave me alone, I meant leave me alone. I don't want any other reasons to be hurt. And frankly, you're scary when you get angry and if I anger you in any way you're going to say some shit to me and I don't think I want to hear that." He paused for a moment and looked away. "I don't think you even want me right now so don't pity me and go back to the others."

"Hyung! Just let me finish," Jungkook still remained calm and hoped that Yoongi would let him continue. He only wanted to tell him that he still loved him.

If Yoongi didn't send Jugnkook away right that moment he would've broken down and given in. He couldn't do that. "I don't want you here, Jungkook - can't you understand that? Please go,"

After a moment of silent debate, Jungkook still grabbed the older's chin and pressed his lips against Yoongi's, feeling somewhat accomplished when Yoongi didn't fight back.

Once Jungkook pulled away, Yoongi failed to comprehend what had just happened; his mind was really muddled up anyway.

"I'm staying here until dinner arrives. And I'm won't leave until you finish it."

Yoongi found it hard to protest against his statement; he was already so damn drowsy.
He had failed at sending Jungkook away and there wasn't much he could do except just let him leave at his own time. He groaned, his voice low and deep.

"I won't be eating dinner anyway; I'm sleepy as hell. And don't worry, there's glucose entering my bloodstream right as we speak - I won't die, unfortunately."

Jungkook knew Yoongi so well, he didn't even have to explain or make excuses.

He was so tired from the medicines he had received earlier thst Yoongi could feel himself losing grip on reality and his head drooped to the side as soon as he lay down.

Jungkook didn't know if he should've stayed or left but he stayed. And instead of sitting there he tucked Yoongi in properly and fell asleep beside him once it was late enough for sleep to consume him as well.

Sure, Yoongi might hate Jungkook in the morning but at that moment he gave into Jungkook's warm embrace and smiled sleepily.


*yawn* it's 2:05am and i'm only sleeping because i have double history tomorrow :((

anyway, i love writing for you guys!


+{not proofread at all}+

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