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He could always pretend, right? Pretend like everything was okay and treat everyone as if he didn't feel insecure around them enough.

Well, once Yoongi decided on something, he had a habit of acting on impulse and going forward with it. So he was definitely going to be the boyfriend to Jungkook that he thought he was never going to be able to achieve.


Yoongi, despite his head spinning heavily, knocked on Taehyung's door, seeing as Jungkook's room was empty.

A sleepy Taehyung answered the door, rolling his eyes immidiately after seeing the guy was Yoongi.

"Fuck off," Taehyung spat out, beginning to close the door before Yoongi stopped him.

"Tae, wait-"

"You're the fucking reason he's so fucking ill right now and you just left him in the morning, not even bothering to see if he was okay or not so I suggest you get the fuck out before he wakes up because of you."

Yoongi swallowed, eyes welling up with burning tears.

"I didn't mean-" Yoongi tried to speak but Taheyung deep, harsh voice took over.

"Yoongi, I don't give a shit about what you've got to say, alright? My best friend is unwell because of the undeserving asshole that's supposed to be his boyfriend and you still have shit to explain? Look, I'll tell you again; if you can't take care of him, you can fucking leave him and let him be happy. He doesn't need someome like you constantly dragging him down." Taehyung slammed the door after that, leaving Yoongi now tearing up completely who his fists forming into a ball at his sides.


Yoongi ran. He just fucking ran, caring not about any cars thst could have hit him or any such dangers. At one point the road was empty and narrow, and Yoongi slowed down, trying to catch his breath. He bent over, hands on his wobbly knees and his whole body trembling and shivering.

Why was everyone starting to hate him?

Jungkook was starting to hate him.

Who was left thst actuslly did even like him?

Yoongi screamed at the top of his lungs, punching a wall beside him and watching his knuckles rip open and messily smear with blood.

He wanted to talk to Jungkook, not Taehyung. He wanted Jungkook to tell him how he felt. How he felt about Yoongi getting him home and then not bothering to look after him properly.

He needed to talk to Jungkook so fucking bad.

It had been about two or three hours that Yoongi had been out there, drowsily shivering on the road side when he got a call from Jin.

"Yoongi! Where are you? It's really late, I'm kind of worried."

Yoongi was getting extremely sleepy and the cold that numbed him wasn't helping. His head rocked back and forth loosely, like a babies head without support.

"No, you aren't, hyung," he slurred sleepily, trying to get himself to come to his sense fast.

"Are you okay? Yoongi? Come home, please. I'm seriously really worried!" he could sense the tension in his hyung's voice which made him put in all his strength to get up and try to get home. He wasn't far from their place which was convenient, considering how quick the lack of sleep had caught up to him in just a matter of minutes. He mumbled a "fine, hyung," to Jin before cutting the call and dragging himself back.

Going outside had always helped Yoongi clear his head when needed, without anyone nagging at him to do anything or upsetting him further. He had loved just sitting outside on his own ever since be was a little kid. That certainly had not changed.


When Yoongi arrived, he was so tired that  Namjoon, who had answered the door, had had a hard time taking him up to his room.

Namjoon had always been slightly worried for Yoongi since he noticed the difference in his mood from that time at the cafe but with Taehyung's increasing complaints, he stuck to his boyfriend's opinion too and had started to find him unfair on Jungkook too. He didn't want Jungkook to go through anything again - obviously neither did Yoongi but the others didn't really care about that.

Jungkook soon came into the room shortly after hearing him come in and offered to watch him so Namjoon could leave. The older obviously was inclined to this offer and left almost immidiately while Jungkook cupped Yoongi's hand.

Jungkook himself felt really fucking feverish and hot, not much better from that morning. It would've been untrue to say he wasn't mad at Yoongi because he was and he more than anything wanted to shout at him for having his mind made up about him but something in Jungkook just seemed to melt, seeing Yoongi sleeping soundly in the dimly lit room, his nose tinted red and cheeks, rose.

"I fucking hate you right now," the maknae muttered against Yoongi's hand while the rapper just groaned deeply in his sleep.Laying down beside him, Jungkook muttered, "I fucking hate you, why do I even love you?"


ugh this is really boring right?

i kinda hate it ugh fuck

+{nOt PrOoFrEaD aT aLl}+

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