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mature(ish) content ahead???


"Fuck me," Yoongi mumbled sleepily as Jungkook, equally sleepy, supported the older's head on his shoulder. Yoongi's comment, however, made him jerk his head back and jolt awake in surprise.

"Hyung- you're high! Shut up!" Clearly flustered, Jungkook fought hard to not feel aroused at Yoongi's words. "You don't mean this,"

But the way Yoongi moaned against Jungkook's neck sent vibrations down his body and Jungkook has to bite his lip to stop himself from moaning too.

"Kookie, I mean it. And I'm not that high," Yoongi sounded more awake and strict this time, almost like Jungkook had to oblige or else. Of course, though, he wasn't going to force the younger to do anything. "You're hot. I haven't seen that body of yours in a long time, baby,"

Jungkook blushed hard. His face became hot and Yoongi chuckled at the cute reaction. "Baby..." the rapper sang out, slowly pushing Jungkook down on the bed so that he was almost lying on top of him. Yoongi, propped up on his right elbow, looked down at Jungkook with lust filling his dark eyes. Jungkook gazed back, desire fuelling his thoughts.

They stayed like that for a moment until Yoongi hungrily crashed his lips onto Jungkook's own. A hand trailed down Jungkook's stomach and stopped in doubt over his groin. Yoongi hummed as if to ask if he was okay with this, and Jungkook already feeling the need to have Yoongi in him, nodded desperately.

Yoongi slid off the jeans from Jungkook's waist and along with them, his boxers.

The rapper kissed him again, teasing him and wrapping his fingers around Jungkook's length.

Jungkook's head felt all muddled up and hazy. But it felt good, even if Yoongi teased the fuck out if him until he was a panting, moaning mess, it felt fucking good.

"Yoongi- fuck!-" Just as Jungkook thought he'd be able to release, Yoongi took his hands back and watched, with a crooked grin, how Jungkook whined at the loss of sensation and squeezed his eyes shut.


Both the males lay breathlessly, chests heaving violently.

Jungkook's cheeks were stained with tears and his lips were red and swollen.

"Did I hurt you?" Yoongi hesitated before asking, turning to Jungkook.

"No," Although Jungkook's reply was short and empty, he turned round to face Yoongi and smiled sadly. "It just reminded me of when we were close, you know?"

But as if not hearing Jungkook, Yoongi exhaled deeply and the words he said left his lips quicker than he realised.

"Will you be my boyfriend again?"

The question hit Jungkook rather hard and he struggled to think of an answer on the spot.

"I'll - I'll think about it," Jungkook blurted out quickly, something dying inside of Yoongi.

Of course he doesn't want to date you.

"Don't," Yoongi mumbled.


"Don't think about it. Just tell me what you thought of first; yes or no?"

"Hyung," Jungkook whispered. "Please. I can't," He removed a few strands of hair from Yoongi's pale face, gazing into his eyes and smiling weakly.

"Stop doing drugs," Jungkook said smoothly, although his voice cracked ever so slightly.

But Yoongi had the higher end of the issue and raised an eyebrow. "Stop starving yourself,"

Taken aback, Jungkook fell quiet and lowered his gaze from Yoongi's face. "Of course you'd know about that,"

"What's that supposed to mean, then?"

"Means that you always figure out what's wrong with me and I still don't know what's fucking you up!" Jungkook retorted, glaring at Yoongi.

However, Yoongi surprisingly took it fairly lightly and pinched the younger's cheek. "That's because I know you too well, kid. Now don't whine as if I didn't just give you the best night you've had in a while,"

It was Jungkook's soft chuckle that made Yoongi feel warm once again; like he belonged to him again.

Except he didn't.


that. was. so. bad.

also is it possible to hate but love someone so much that you want to strangle them but with the amount of love you have for them?

hey, im sleepy but guess what i'm gonna do instead? caffeine myself up and stay awake because i suck lol

*inhales deeply*...


+{not proofread at all in the teeniest}+

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