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Taehyung wasn't coping adequately at all. Right now as he was snuggling with Namjoon after the older had found him sobbing and whimpering in his room, he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if one day and he'd end up hurting or even murdering his boyfriend. His mind tortured him with thoughts like these until Namjoon pulled him closer, (having regarded the agony indisputable in Taehyung's eyes) and smothered him in kisses.

"What is it, baby?" the rapper asked softly as he placed yet another kiss on his cheek and roughed up his hair. "You know you can tell me anything, Taetae."

"I love you," Taehung clearly evaded the question as he nestled into the crook of Namjoon's neck and breathed out moderately contently.


Jungkook, yet again bent over the toilet, felt like he was throwing his insides up, panicking about what he had just consumed which was scarcely even 50 calories. He found his mind becoming more and more cluttered with numbers and food items, mainly because it was all he thought about throughout the day. Yoongi had told him to stop, but even Yoongi knew it was hard to and that just telling him once won't in any way do it.

Jungkook staggered back to his room and dropped his body on the mattress, a high pitched moan escaping his lips.

He almost instantly fell asleep as he threw his spinning head back and shut his eyes.


Jin lay awake, thinking about their next performance and praying that all seven of them would be okay and would be capable of staying well until the completion of that tour at least.

He smiled bitterly, reflecting on how awfully the group was sustaining and how they had no assurance of fixing it any time soon.


Yoongi gazed at the golden wall in front of him, the words from earlier overwhelming his mind, To Yoongi, "I'll think about it" sounded exactly equivalent to "no, I don't want to date you" and it was completely fucking Yoongi over. He honestly, really craved to be sane and normal sometimes. To at least not be so fucking paranoid all the time. But he shrugged those thoughts off, chugging a few sips of water and observing as the stars twinkled and shimmered in the nearly black sky.


Hoseok and Jimin, a hand in hand, strolled through the park, seeing as other couples did the same and bonded so lovingly, sharing food or exchanging affectionate, passionate kisses. A sigh of content left Jimin's lips and Hoseok turned to the side to look at him, beaming when he saw his boyfriend doing the same.

At some point, Jimin mentioned feeling drowsy and fairly tired and Hoseok, of course, immediately carried him to his car. The lovers rested there, staring at the sky that was now changing from blue to navy and how the moon had risen up along with the presently emerging stars.

Perhaps these were the only two people who had found love and were entirely satisfied by it.


yo it's 4:09am and i'm going to sleep goodnight xoxox

+{not at all proofread ya girl is sleepy, night y'all lovelies xo}+

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