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The group was going to perform tomorrow. They had a concert which was a few hours of travel away. BTS was going to travel by train and it was understood that everyone was going to be sat in pairs. Yoongi, of course, was going to be the exception, one because there was an odd number and two because he couldn't have sat by anyone anyway.

So Namjoon and Taehyung sat together, Jimin and Hoseok and Jin and Jungkook and Yoongi was right at the back behind them all, in his own little corner. To the side  of him were Jin and Jungkook, in front of him Jimin and Hoseok and diagonally infront were Namjoon and Taehyung.

Yoongi occupied the seat beside him too, stretching his short legs further. It didn't really help though that in this position Jungkook was in front of him but that was okay, Yoongi wasn't going to look at him anyway.



can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!


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oppa.kook: omg!!! ah my babies look so cute! opppaaaas~

jimjams_jin: can't wait to see you either!

jungkook.enthxsixst: kookie looks so adorable!

namjinkookstxn: aww they look so tired :( rest well you guys!


see you sooooon!!


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vkookmin: jihoooopeee!! i love you guys!

seagullpuss: you're adorable awww i busted a phat uwu >º<

bxngtxanbxyz: aw sleep well! take care of yourselves :)

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