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Jungkook hadn't felt the same since he had broken up with Yoongi, and even then he didn't want to go back to him until Yoongi himself came back to him.

It was all easy in Jungkook's head; Yoongi would miss and come back, right? Yoongi definitely wasn't afraid of even looking at him, was he?

The members were getting ready for their performance and were currently backstage, prepping up.

It was a horrible day for Yoongi and he really didn't want to fake happiness on stage. What if he burst into tears right on the stage?

It was finally time for them to go on, and Yoongi, with his head spinning ever so slightly because of the lack of food and sleep, went onto the stage with the rest.

The shouts of cheers sounded through the place and for a second Yoongi felt liked when he saw a few signs and posters with 'SUGA ♡' written on them. It was only a small amount of them but he couldn't help and smile.

Their dance went on and Yoongi carried on teasing the fans that did like by sticking his tongue and thrusting his hips.

At some point, however, Yoongi started feeling more faint and the bright lights had started blinding him. In a hazy flash, he felt him losing control over his body and despite him trying to keep up with the moves, his head finally touched the ground and everything around him faded.


"Is he breathing?" a faint voice, like that of a woman, asked in a state of panic. Yoongi had little idea of thatvwas going on; he barely remembered fainting on the stage.

"Yes, he is. His blood sugar is low. He needs to be put on a glucose drip." another voice said, also panicked.

Yoongi groaned, trying to get up and move bit was immidiately pushed back onto the bed by a nurse. He was so confused, why was he in hospital? It wasn't thst bad, was it?


Yoongi lay awake in that hospital bed, not expecting any of the members to come and check up on him. It was incredibly lonely there, just him and his horrible thoughts amd regrets. Fuck, he couldn't even do a dance right without fainting. Well done, Yoongi.

However, Jin proved him wrong when he came in and sat down beside him. He could tell by Yoongi's tear-streaked face that he had been crying and being the member that still somewhat liked him, it made his heart break only a little bit.

Jin didn't want to have a full on conversation with the rapper mainly because he was awkward about it but he asked him how he was doing, which really was a stupid question.

Yoongi didn't reply anyway. He turned his head the other way and swallowed.

"That's okay, don't talk. I just thought that you'd want to know that it was Jungkook who stopped the performance and helped carry and escort you until he wasn't allowed into the hospital room. He was crying his eyes out while the doctors tried to stabilise you." Jin got up, walking away slowly. "The doctors said you could've lost your memory if you had hit your head any harder. Lucky, you. Rest well, Yoongi." He closed the door softly while Yoongi tried hard to believe the words that Jin had just said to him.

Why would Jungkook be crying? He would literally rather want him dead, right?


i got around 10 hours of sleep so i'm good for the day :D

this is short but here you go :3

you guys are so cute i love you uwu

+{not proofread at all}+

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