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"Why did the hospital discharge you so quick? You look like you should still be there, hyung." There he was, Jungkook, trying to make things alright between himself and Yoongi but he wasn't succeeding.

Yoongi was sitting across from him on the bed, trying to quieten his mind down so that his headache would finally ease. He too didn't succeed.

Jungkook's voice was faint to Yoongi and at this point he couldn't make out what he was saying at all.

"Hyung? Hyung?" Knowing that Jungkook wouldn't give up on them which was frankly quite heart touching. But anyway right now he was groaning in pain, careless of whether or not Jungkook was present. His head was going to burst; it was so fucking painful. How did that happen so very suddenly?

Yoongi collapsed to the side, eyes still open and breathing shallow.

"Hyung, you're going to faint; holy fuck," Jungkook was getting panicked now and he shook Yoongi repeatedly to try keep him conscious.

"Jungkook, I'm-" Yoongi started, his voice getting more and more miserable. "I'm fine-"

"You're 'fine'! Of course, you are hyung - look at you!" Jungkook cried, which in some sense made Yoongi feel guilty as well. "Hyung, what's happening to you can't be dealt with alone."

"Let me help you, hyung."


i hate myself so much but what's new ugh

i'm so angry and upset about absolutely fucking nothing kmn

i'm sorry this chapter is like two words long but i want to shoot myself and lack motivation :

+{not proofread}+

you're "fine" {SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now