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Yoongi was rather nervous, walking into the five star hotel that the group was currently staying at. He was scared that he was going to see the others and about what would happen then. He hadn't even seen them all in a whole week; it was weird.

With a shaky breath, he walked in. The group members, he spotted almost immidiately because of how loud they were. Yoongi flung the strap of his bag that was sloppily falling off his bony shoulder up and pulled his small suitcase along.

The memebrs quietened down at the sight of him and gave him a few unsure and awkward looks. Yoongi's face was getting hot and he wanted to turn back immidiately.

His members were having such a brilliant time together and as soon as Yoongi walked in, they became uncomfortable. Yoongi hated himself so much for that in that moment.

How was he going to ask them for a key so he could go the fuck upstairs and have a panic attack?

Hoseok was the only one apart from Jin who was showing a but of concern. Jin noticed Yoongi's intense discomfort and got up from his chair to talk to him separately.

"Hey-" Jin started.

"Can I get a fucking key for the room leave?" Yoongi was close to begging; he just had to leave.

"Oh. Yeah, here." Jin took a key card out and handed it over to the rapper. "I'll take you up,"

"Am I sharing with anyone?" Yoongi asked in a state of mild panic.

"Uh, yeah, it's um," Jin felt somewhat awkward saying it himself. "Jungkook,"

Even the members could see how helpless and devastated he looked after he had found that out. Jungkook was offended to say the least, but he understood. At that moment Jungkook was overcome by impulse and offered to take him up instead.

Yoongi was getting closer and closer to breaking apart; this isn't what he wanted.

"I'll go up myself - I'm fine!" he managed to shout with his voice breaking at the end, catching everyone by surprise. That was the first time the members had properly noticed the hurt in his voice and what he was feeling.

Without any other reaction, Yoongi went to the lifts, having memorized the room number.


"How do you get away with not eating at an hospital where you were literally admitted for that reason?" Jungkook questioned (after having seen a thinner Yoongi ) just as he walked in and dumped his bag on a chair. He looked really tired.

However, Yoongi was on the bed, sleeping in an adorable position - like a tiny, little kitten curled up. Obviously, he had fallen asleep while crying and it had taken Jungkook only a few seconds to realise that.

"Oh," Jungkook whispered, throwing his coat on the chair. "Hey, hyung,"

He now sat by Yoongi, stroking his hair and placing a soft kiss on his swollen lips. "Maybe someday you'll forgive me, hm?"

Jungkook found it somewhat cute that Yoongi was right in the middle of the bed - way too much like a cat.


i have an english group discussion thing tomorrow that counts for my gcse grade and i've not done too much on it wish me luck?? i'll improvise, it'll be fine i'll do well i hope :)

also i hope this story is as fun to read as it is to write :)

i'm. so. cold.

+{not proofread at all}+

eek face reveal??ish??

y'all i'm so tired


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