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Jungkook's heart raced as he stood against the door in his bedroom, supporting himself with the help of the door handle. He gripped it with all his strength, seeing black spots everywhere. It was terrifying, really. It had never been this bad before and Jungkook swore he was going to end up in hospital this time - only praying that he didn't.

The tour had been incredibly hard to carry on with for Jungkook as he'd constantly feel like he was going to faint it collapse on stage.

So that really sucked, yet all Jungkook could do was force himself to carry on.

This particular day, Jungkook had managed to have a massive binge which obviously made him run to the bathroom and stick his fingers down his throat.

He remembered what Yoongi had said about taking care of his body and he chuckled bitterly, believing that he was taking care of it by losing weight.

Ugh, he hated this. He hated this so much. He hated how his dance instructor would look at him in disgust like he was gross and unfit to be there. How ARMYs would pick at the smallest of flaws. How Yoongi wouldn't stop bugging him about his eating habits. Well, he knew the older didn't mean to be annoying - and he wasn't, really - but the persistent protests from Yoongi would get on his nerves more the he had liked.

On the other hand, what had happened with Taehyung really fucked him up too. What the hell had happened to him?


Taehyung buried himself in his blanket and stared at the bedsheet in front of him, confused and anxious about what had happened that day.

His condition was getting worse and worse and he had no idea what it might lead to to. Returning to therapy wasn't the best idea at the moment; he'd still have to wait a few weeks.

Moments like these, Taehyung wished he was normal. A normal human being with a mind that wasn't completely fucked up.


"Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon slowly opened the door further. "You're not coming down for dinner?"

However, Yoongi was asleep, his head on Jungkook's thigh and body curled up. The younger boy, too, was sleeping, snoring softly. Smiling, Namjoon switched the lights off and let them be, quietly making his way out.


yoyoyo this story is so shit i legitimately want to delete this thing.

anyway hi! i've missed you guys :3 i hope you've been well, lovelies :)

^^ this baby, i swear to fuck-

+{not proofread at all}+

(also sorry if ive contradicted anything in my story because i haven't written it for a while so i may have confused myself)

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