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Twitter was going wild with Yoongi's new. If made Yoongi feel like shit for not being able to prevent this from happening.

None of the members had dropped by the next morning either and Yoongi was getting extremely tempted to rip his IV off or mess a lotwith his tubes to risk a chance of maybe death. Yeah, he was getting edgy and reckless. A nurse had already had to fix his tubes when Yoongi had disturbed it on purpose.

He didn't want to be so weak and hopeless like this. He wanted to try and hang on for as long as possible. But right now hardly anything seemed go be in his fucking favour and it was getting way too much for him.

Yoongi supposed he wouldn't be asked about why or how his blood sugar was so low so he didn't really make an effort think of an excuse. It was funny because he didn't really purposely starve, it was more of the fact that he'd just like seeing the number on the scale go down which he figured... did kind of count as starving himself? But it wasn't necessarily that he had a eat disorder? He didn't want to think he did; he didn't even know it was that bad. He didn't strike as being that thin. Was it possibly because he was already so skinny that no one really noticed?

Whatever, this was hurting his brain. Yoongi just wanted to sleep, the medicines were making him drowsy anyway. Although, a sudden ping made his heart jump for a second.

There was a message from Jungkook? What?

are you
are you ok.

don't, jungkook

Yoongi wasn't going to let himself fall for this. There was no way that was genuine. Perhaps it was but Yoongi had developed several trust issues and the last thing he wanted was to be having am awkwarf conversation with his ex who he believed hated him.

Yoongi was hurting so much already, he didn't need anything else. If there was something else, he was sure it'd push him well over the edge.

the doctors said
you might need to stay in
hospital for a at least a

jungkook i
said don't.

is there anything
you need like
you notepad or

what're you
trying to do to me

stop talking to me

i can't hurt anymore

it's too much

please just leave me
alone i can't deal with
any of this

i just want to
be alone

The last message was the biggest lie Yoongi had ever told anyone. It made him almost laugh because what he wanted was the exact opposite of alone.

are you sure
about that?

are you okay
with the members
hardly liking you?

how weak do
you think i am?

maybe you've forgotten
that i'm used to being hated

so i'll say it one more
time and ask you to fucking
leave me alone

read 1:21pm

Well, that was enough lying for the day. This was the most fucked up Yoongi had actually ever gotten in his life. It was going to be fun seeing the members again when he got to go back home. How fucking lovely.


i keep forgetting i'm going to see bts live in 15 days ohmygosh.

also i lied about having enough sleep i obviously still need a lot more.

yikes can i sleep now or should i update more because i honestly don't mind staying up and updating :)

+{not proofread at all}+

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