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Jungkook was angry, mad, furious at Yoongi. But he was also heartbroken to know that Yoongi wouldn't trust him.  They were supposed to be there for each other so why couldn't Yoongi just let him in and help him? He inhaled sharply; he was going to try and be there for Yoongi no matter what the older said about it. Jungkook was going to keep trying and that was it.

He stared up at the clear night sky, the stars twinkling and blinking brightly.


Meanwhile Yoongi, in his dimly lit room, wrapped himself in his blanket and sat on his windowsill. His heartbeat was rapid and his stomach felt like it had twisted many times, making him feel sick with anxiety. His window was open and he lit his joint, watching as the smoke accumulated against the black sky. The weed took the edge off him and he felt numb to any emotion. It felt like sanity was finding him again in an unusual form - he didn't feel so worried about anything anymore.

The euphoric feeling was something Yoongi longed in the daytime. The night was the only time he could smoke weed and not be suspected of doing so. 

Drugs, alcohol and self-harm were his only friends that he had left; the only ones he was willing to share his secrets with. Sure, it was incredibly lonely, but what else was Yoongi supposed to do?

Jungkook's Euphoria was playing on his phone beside him and he smiled at his boyfriend's angelic voice. It was so pure and wonderful; it gave Yoongi life.

His phone buzzed from a couple of notifications. The rapper stared at them for a while, as if words suddenly didn't make sense to him anymore.

Ugh, just some more insults. Nice.


Jungkook collapsed on his bed beside Taehyung, who watched him do so. 

"Yoongi was looking for you," Taehuyng said matter-of-factly. 

"Where is he?" Jungkook groaned back in response. "I should probably go apologise or something,"

"Probably in his room," the older answered, "Don't apologise if he doesn't deserve it, though." 

The maknae groaned again and dragged himself off the bed, making his way to Yoongi's room.


Yoongi was in a sort of a daze, staring out of the window with his mouth hung open and lost somewhere in his idle thoughts. The blanket didn't provide any warmth anymore simply because Yoongi's skin was too numb and he couldn't feel the freezing cold air nor the joint that slipped from his shaking fingers and fell outside onto the ground. His can of beer sat empty beside him, shaking subtly from the winds that made it rattle against the floor of the sill.

Yoongi shook his head and his hand reached for a can of deoderant when he heard footsteps outside his door. The sweet fragrance of vanilla and coffee diffused from the can and spread around the room, just as Jungkook walked into the room. Yoongi knew he wasn't going to be able to hide the fact that he was so fucking high and drunk but he knew, even in his current state, that Jungkook hated the smell of weed.

"Holy shit, it's fucking freezing in here!" Jungkook cried while Yoongi didn't even move. "Hyung," he walked over to Yoongi. "Hyung, what the fuck- are you okay!?" 

Yoongi hummed drunkenly. "I'm really good, Jungkookie," he slurred, throwing his head back then chuckling weakly with his eyelids fluttering.  

Jungkook stepped closer and grabbed him gently by the shoulders, wincing at how fucking cold he was. He went to reach for his hands, again uncomfortable at how freezing they were. The can of beer caught his attention too although he chose to ignore that. Euphoria playing on Yoongi's phone made Jungkook's heart beat faster as he slowly turned his phone off completely. Jungkook turned Yoongi to the side, sitting next to him and looking into his half-closed eyes.

"Are you..." the maknae didn't want to believe it or say it. He blinked a few times, bringing himself to speak. "Are you high?"

"Mmh," Yoongi groaned sleepily, Jungkook having to support him so he wouldn't fall when he drooped his head to the side. 

"Let's get you to sleep, okay?" Jungkook said softly, his hand reaching for the window handle and closing it shut. 

It was awfully painful to get Yoongi to even sit up straight, so Jungkook out an arm around his neck to support his hanging head and one arm under his bony knees, carrying him to his bed and gently laying him on it.

Yoongi moaned uncomfortably, only half conscious and unaware of his surroundings. 

Jungkook looked down at him, sympathy written all over his expression.

"Jungkookie," Yoongi purred sleepily. "I do love you, Jungkookie," He wasn't aware of what he was saying but Jungkook knew he meant it and that alone made him smile. He kissed Yoongi's cold forehead and tucked him in a thicker blanket tenderly, caressing his pale cheeks in hope of warming his face up. His lips were red and swollen, on which Jungkook pecked a kiss and then let him sleep comfortably while Jungkook himself settled down beside him.


whoop hi gimme love :)

also, thank u for liking this story so far!

+{not proofread at all and i have many errors and typos in this chapter so i'm sorry!}+

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