Chapter Two

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Percy's POV

What was said in Jason's cabin was definitely not meant to be heard by me.

I couldn't help it. There's yelling and screaming from a cabin so of course I'll go investigate.

I poked his head in Jason's cabin to find him sitting on his bunk bed, staring at his hands.

"Uh, I hate to snitch but what was that all about, exactly?" Percy asked a little quietly.

Jason looked startled by Percy but said, "Percy, it's hard to explain, but I promised I wouldn't tell anyone, okay? I-I really can't, now."

"But, it was about me, so I want to know." Percy said childishly.

"Nico is really going to hate me for this, Percy... He's just going through a rough time. He'll get over it, probably." After what seemed like five minutes he finally spoke again, "No. He won't get over this. He's head over heals. In too deep..."

Jason seemed shaken up and sleepy. I could use his sleepiness to an advantage. He seems to be telling me a little more..

"Come on, Jason. If it's about me, I should have the right to know, right? Even if it's some secret. It can't be that bad, can it?"

"Yeah, well I guess you're right..."

Jason told me everything. About Cupid. About Nico in love. Oh gods, was this really happening? Did Nico really like me? I mean, Nico could be a good friend, but boyfriend? I have an amazing girlfriend anyways, I couldn't leave her for a guy. No, I couldn't do that.

"You should go talk to him tomorrow, Percy. He's still mad about what I said and stuff..." Jason said sheepishly.

I walked to my cabin, confused and angry. Why would Nico say he likes me? I thought he was straight. All of the seven, including me, thought he liked Annabeth. He probably does. Did Jason just tell me that because he was tired? It was probably because he was just exhausted and saying crazy stuff. Yeah, that should be it.

Percy collapsed on his bed and went to bed almost the second he was under his covers...


Sorry about the really short chapters, I'm trying to make the others longer, but yea im tying my best. This is my first time writing a fanfiction, too. I should be posting one to two chapters a day. If you could, tell me if it's good or what I need to work on. I've been trying to get the characters to be how they normally are in the actual books, but it's hard because I have to have them a certain way for it to fit the story. Okay, that's all. Bye.

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