Chapter Four

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Percy's POV

Nico just made a break for it by shadow traveling after Jason whispered something to him. What the hell?! Did he tell him what happened? Oh gods, I was going to go talk to him, but is it a good idea? Yes, I have to make sure it was just sleep exhaustion from Jason.

Everyone looked over at Jason after that whole scene.

"Uh, Jason, what'd you say to him?" Frank asked.

Jason blushed, probably embarrassed from Nico leaving because of him. "Well-"

"Dude, you made him mad! He's going to kill us!" Leo yelled.

"No, it was a misunder-" Jason started again.

"What'd you tell him, Jason?! What'd you tell my brother?!" Hazel was pissed.

"I-" He started yet again.

"Wow, Jason-" Annabeth started.


"Thank you. Well, it was a misunderstanding and he didn't let me finish. It was just something from an argument we had last night, it's not something to worry about. I'll talk to him later, okay? Please just don't ask me anymore questions." Jason said quickly.

"I'm going to go talk to him." I said out of the blew.

On my way out I mouthed, "He's going to kill you." to Jason, who then looked angry at me, of course.

"Once, I got to the Hades cabin I knocked. I heard a groan and saw him answer it, only slightly peaking through. After he tried closing it, I forced it open sending him on the ground from falling over.

"Nico, what's-" I started.

"No. I don't feel like being bombarded with questions at the moment. Please just go. Come back some other time, I don't feel like socializing today, Jackson..." I could see sadness in his eyes. He wasn't crying, but I could sense he wanted to.

"Okay. It's just I think I know what he said to you, but I'm not sure yet. If I'm right, then I'm surprised your not crying, Nico. You're a pretty strong kid." I said walking away.

"I'm only a couple years younger than you, gods!" He yelled after me.

I smirked and sat back down with my friends.

"What'd he say?!" Leo asked right as he sat down.

"Nothing. He needs time is all, I think. But, he's probably mad at Jason if it was from an argument. He was pretty upset."

Jason looked sad now. He caused this. He probably just made that up to mess with me. Pretty cruel to make him hurt just to mess with someone, huh? Or maybe Nico's just acting too. He could be on this "prank". Would Nico do that, though? He didn't seem like the type.

All Percy knew was that he needed to talk to Nico sooner rather than later.

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