Chapter Twenty

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Percy's POV

Had I just caused the death of the boy I loved? I thought I was dying at first, I thought I was hallucinating when I saw my sword in Nico's chest. I thought I was just dreaming.

Wake up. Wake up. This can't be real. I couldn't have just killed him. I couldn't have.

I looked down at his battered body. There was small breaths being taken by his small figure. His chest only went up and down barely and his breathing was ridged. Could I save him? I had to get him out of the area surrounded by monsters.

I fought. I swung my sword at the monsters nearby. Two crumpling to dust. Four more. Six more. They were dying left and right. I wouldn't let them touch Nico. I had done enough damage.

I picked up Nico's bloody body. He did not stir. There was no expression on his face. Blood was dripping from his head and his chest. His life would be nothing, soon.

No, I can't think that.

I ran with Nico. Monsters were everywhere, but they were slowing down and most of them were dead. I put Nico on a large rock farther away from the fight.

I had to call for help. Who had ambrosia or nectar? Could Annabeth have some?

"Annabeth?!" I cried.

"Percy?" I heard a yell from a few feet away. I ran to her.

"Please come here. It's an emergency!" She gave me a puzzled look, but quickly killed the monster in front of her and ran back with me. She looked down at his body.

"What happened?" She asked, shock spread over her face.

"I w-was fighting one of these things and there was one behind me. I turned around the last minute and," I looked at the ground, "he jumped in front of my sword. After that, I don't know who's arrows but he was hit in the back of the head." I looked at Annabeth, "I don't know what to do. Do you have any ambrosia or nectar?"

She shook her head no, "Hazel always has some, though. I-I'll try and find her..." She sprinted towards the battle again. This was all my fault. He was dying and I caused it all. I wish I could've told him how I felt towards him. He probably never heard me. But wait, he said he loved me. Oh my gods, the person I loved and killed loved me back and I had ruined it all. I am an idiot. I can't live like this. I can't live knowing I stabbed him. I can't live while he's dead. I can't live like that.

"What happened?!" Hazel's voice said behind me. She saw Nico's mangled body and froze at once, "N-Nico?" She ran to him, "Nico, wake up! Please, Nico." She sobbed.

"Hazel," Annabeth started, wrapping her arm around Hazel, "Give him some ambrosia and nectar." Hazel wiped her eyes and nodded. She tipped the contents of medicine into his mouth. Could that cure him?

Nothing happened.

"M-More?" Hazel asked, trying her best not to let her tears fall. I was already on the verge of tears myself.

"Wait. It might just have to kick in." Annabeth said hopefully.

"What h-hapenned to h-him?" Hazel asked, her voice cracking as she finally let the tears fall.

Annabeth looked at me with sympathetic eyes. I had to tell her I killed her brother, "Hazel, I was fighting and, well, I hadn't realized a monster until the last minute, a-and so he jumped in front of it to save me. B-But, he jumped in front of my sword and then he got hit with arrows. I-I'm sorry, Hazel." She did not say anything, but she just quietly wept into her hands.

Nico moved.

"Hazel! He moved!" Annabeth exclaimed. Hazel uncovered her face and looked at her brother.

"N-Nico?" Hazel asked. His eyes fluttered open. He looked around.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, barely audible enough to hear.

"F-For what?" Hazel asked, taken aback by what he just said.

"For leaving you."

"You didn't and you will not leave." Hazel shook violently, tears streaming down her face. Her brother said nothing to this but just looked up at the sky as if waiting for something to happen.

"Hazel, why don't we go help the others." Annabeth said kindly, "They need help."

Hazel nodded and reluctantly stood up, walking away with Annabeth at her side.

"Nico," I started and looked at him. He had his eyes closed.

His breathing stopped.

"No! Nico, please!" I cried, reaching for the bottle of medicine Hazel had left behind. I poured more of the contents into the younger boys mouth. He did not move.

I grabbed his hand and cried. The warm tears slid down my face and fell onto the rock I was sitting on. I put my head on Nico's chest, avoiding the wound I had made.

I waited for something to happen. Anything.

I heard a faint thump thump. His breathing was shallow, but it was definitely breathing.

Keep breathing, Nico di Angelo, I thought, keep breathing.

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