Chapter Seven

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Jason's POV

I'd been searching the woods for some time now and no sign of Nico..

"NICO! Nico, are you out here?!" I hollered.

Then, I heard someone whisper, "Grace...". It was definitely Nico. He always called me by my last name when he's mad.

"Nico, please." I said.

I saw something dark sitting by a tree. It was a Nico's clothes. I walked over to him and crouched, "Nico, please. Just stop running away. For me. For our friends. For Per-"

"STOP! Just stop! I don't want to hear it! Leave me alone!" He yelled in my face.

"I care about you very much, Nico. I've said this all before, but I want you to be happy. And hiding your feelings isn't going to get you anywhere. You're like a brother to me, Nico. I care and worry and you deserve Percy."

"I don't deserve anything. I'm not your brother. You don't care. I'll hide all I want. Just-" he mumbled very fast but stopped when I started hugging him.

"Jason... I-I can't... Breathe."

"Oh, er, sorry." I said loosening my grip on him, "You don't understand how much we all worry."

"I'm not going back up there. I'd rather be alone-"

I put him over my shoulder so he was upside down with his head on my back.

"You're coming."


I started walking up to camp grounds with Nico kicking and punching me.

"I HATE YOU JASON GRACE!! PUT ME DOWN!! PLEASE?!" He yelled still hitting and kicking me.

"Nope, not a chance." Other people were looking at Nico weird seeing him scream and kick and hit. It was like he was throwing a temper tantrum. I just smiled the whole way back.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" He yelled but stopped screaming.

Once, I got back to our friends, they all laughed.

"Jason, please put me down." Nico whispered and stopped abusing me.

I set him down and saw him blushing. He was like a tomato. He saw me looking at his face and covered it.

"I hate you." He said and stormed off to his cabin.

"You made him mad again, Jason! He's really going to kill you now!" Leo said.

"Nah, he was just embarrassed is all." I said smiling.

"You did make him mad, Jason." Hazel said to me, not smiling or laughing one bit.

"It wasn't that big of a deal, Hazel. Don't get mad." I said.

She just walked away to the Hades cabin and went in.

I guess I did make him a little mad.

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