Chapter Ten

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Nico's POV

He was disappointed. It was obvious. But why? He has Annabeth. Did he just want to mess around and act disappointed? I has no choice. I needed advice. I'll go to Jason in the morning. I don't want to, but I was confused.

I thought about Percy until a fell asleep. He drove me crazy.

*time skiparronio to morning*

He woke at 6:34 and hurried to get dressed. He'd talk to Jason first thing in the morning.

Nico walked to the Zeus cabin and knocked. No answer, so he barged in to find Jason sleeping. He rolled his eyes and tried to wake Jason.

"Jason get up!" He yelled.


"JASON GET UP RIGHT NOW!" He yelled in his ear.

"Are you trying to make me go deaf?" He said sleepily and sat up, "What?"

" I want to talk about... Him."

He was definitely awake now, "Of course, of course."

"He came and questioned me last night."


"I-I lied." I hung my head, disappointed in myself.

"Just continue." Clearly impatient.

"When I told him that I didn't like him, he sounded disappointed and I'm just confused."

"Oh. Well, if he sounded disappointed that you didn't like him, the. That could mean he likes you, Nico." He said happily.

"I know I know. I was just nervous and I didn't know what to say to the disappointment. Wether I should leave it at nothing or questioned him. So, I kind of left it at nothing. And now I'm freaking out because I could've just blown my chances right then and there, Jason."

"Wow. When did you start caring about your chances with him?" He smirked.

"Shut up, Grace."

"Well, if he talks to you today, just be normal. Don't be all awkward like you usually are."

"But I normally am awkward. So being awkward for me is normal?" I said, making it sound like a question.

"Yeah. Normal for you probably is being awkward." He laughed, "Well, I'll see you at breakfast. You really haven't eaten much."

I glared at him, then walked away. I was hungry, I just didn't feel in the mood to socialize.

Was the rain pouring down on him just affecting his mood? No, don't blame it in that, even though it's not a person. I'm normally not being social anyways.

I accidentally bumped into them and heard them say, "Watch where you're going shorty."

I looked up to see who the rude man was to find the love of my life staring down at me. He said that? I guess realization hit him that it was me and he said, "Oh, Nico! I'm really sorry, man. I, uh, didn't realize it was you."

"Uh, it's fine." I said trying to get past him. But he put his arm out in front of me so I couldn't move past.

"Um, Nico, would you wanna come over to my cabin just to make up for what happened? You could stay the night. Only if you wanted..." He said. Wait, he didn't really have anything to make up for. Bumping into me? It wasn't even a big deal. Last night? He didn't do anything wrong. So what in the world was he talking about? Did he just plan this? Gods, what am I thinking? I just want it to seem like that because I like him. I'm pathetic really. A pathetic little kid in everyone's eyes.

"Uh, uh, sure, Jackson."

"Percy." He said smiling, now allowing me to get past him.

I just said yes to go to his cabin to sleep over. God dammit, I'm a nervous wreck.

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