Chapter Fifteen

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Hazel's POV

I started to worry about Nico. He hadn't come out of his cabin all day. Hasn't eaten. Hasn't come out to say hello. Nothing. I saw Jason walk out of the cabin, but he went over to Piper so I never got a chance to talk to him about it.

Then, she spotted him sitting on Half-Blood Hill. She fast walked over to him and sat beside him, "Hello." She greeted.

"Hi, Hazel."

"So, is Nico okay? Is he coming to that party thing?"

"I think he's okay. I just asked if he wanted to come and left. And he's coming."

"Okay. Thank you for letting me know. I'm going to go talk to him anyway." And with that, I walked away from Jason and toward the Hades cabin. She walked in and found him on his bed.

"Nico? You okay?"

No response. Was he asleep or just mad about something? I walked over to him and sat next to him. He was sleeping. I saw tear stains on his face and pillow.

"Nico." I shook him, "Nico! Wake up." His eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Hazel.." He said sleepily. He looked like a tiny child.

"Hi, Nico. I was just worried about you. You haven't come out of your cabin all day. And I saw you were crying. Are you okay?"

He sat up and said, "Yeah, I guess I just started thinking about B-Bianca."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Nico, you can always talk to me if you ever want to."

Hazel knew very little about his deceased sister, Bianca. She knew that she died when he was very young. He blamed himself for her death even though it definitely wasn't. Nico was devastated to learn about his sister and immediately fled Camp Half-Blood. That's pretty much all she knew. She didn't dare try and press the subject because she knew it would end up in Nico yelling and crying. She learned from experience. Hazel tried her best to be a sister figure for Nico. Even though she knew she would never be able to replace Bianca, she tried her best to make Nico happy and be a good sister. Even if she was younger than him.

"It's okay. I'm fine, Hazel. But, thank you anyway." He said.

"Alright. Well, why don't we go to dinner, Nico?" He nodded and got off the bed. He usually refused when I asked him to eat. He was acting differently today. Was that all that was on his mind? Was there more he was hiding from me? I wish he would just tell me what's on his mind and not hide his feelings all the time. It would make it so much easier.

They walked to the dining pavilion together to meet their friends. Mostly everyone was talking to each other about the party. Hazel didn't exactly refer to it as a party. It was more like a get together with all her friends where they play games. It's not like it was some sort of rave.

The most excited about the party were Annabeth and Jason. I knew why, of course. They were planning some sort of scheme to have Percy and Nico get closer. Or I hope that was it. I admit that it was a little weird when I found out Nico liked Percy. But, if he's going to make him happy, then so be it. I have no right to tell him who to like and dislike. It was also weird when I found out Annabeth knew. When did she find out? Did Nico tell her? Or Jason? It better have been Nico himself. Jason has no right to spill his secret out to the whole camp.

Once we got to the table, Nico sat next to Jason and I sat next to Frank. After that, Annabeth saw where Nico sat and quickly grabbed Percy to sit at Nico's other side. Jason turned to Annabeth, who sat next to Percy, and winked. Annabeth winked back and smiled. They so wanted them to date.

Nico looked at Jason, then at his lap. He took a few bites of dinner, but put his fork down. Percy was glaring at Annabeth and talked to her quietly. Probably asking why she took him over there or something. I mean, would Percy like Nico? He wasn't... Gay or anything. He had a girlfriend before. I now felt bad for Nico. He would be so let down by this. He knew Percy had a girlfriend, but it still made me sad knowing my brother would be even more sad. To make Nico happy, I shall try my best to get them together or to get Percy to at least realize that Nico likes him. It was for Nico's happiness.

*time skip to campfire thingy*

I needed to ask Annabeth and Jason what they were planning. They weren't near each other so I didn't get a chance.

Then, Annabeth walked over to Jason. They laughed but then pulled their heads closer and whispering. I had to know what they were planning. I ran over to them, pushing past the crowd of people. I pulled their heads apart and whisper yelled, "Tell me what you're planning for Nico and Percy tomorrow."

They glanced nervously at each other and didn't reply.

I sighed and said, "I'll support anything for my brother if it means him gaining happiness. Just tell me."

"We can't do it here. Too many people. Just come to the Zeus cabin around ten in the morning tomorrow, got it?" Jason whispered back.

I nodded and walked away. I want to know already.

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