Chapter Eighteen

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Percy's POV

I splashed in the ocean almost forgetting about Annabeth and Jason pushing my face into Nico's. It wasn't a very romantic kiss, it actually sort of hurt. I get that Annabeth was trying to help me but there no way if ever have a chance with Nico. I'm pretty positive about him being straight.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. Annabeth. "Yes?"

"You're boyfriend left." She said, pointing over her shoulder to the shadows.

"Boyfriend? I don't- oh." My face heated up, "He's not my boyfriend. Why are you telling me this?"

"You need to make a move on him already." She said smiling, "You should go talk to him."

"Where would he have gone?"

"He usually ends up in his cabin or the woods. He's been spending an awful lot of time in the woods, so I'd say he enjoys going there. If I were him, his cabin would be a place for someone to find him more easily but so would the woods. Anyways, go check the woods."

"Uh, okay." I started towards the woods with Annabeth grinning after me. Why is she so interested in me liking Nico? I'm surprised she didn't get mad or something. I'm glad she understands but she just wants to focus on me getting together with Nico, which will never even happen! She doesn't understand that.

I reached the dark shadows of the woods. It would be extremely difficult to find Nico since he wears dark clothing in this kind of light. I sighed and called out, "Nico?!"

No reply. Typical.

I stepped farther into the darkened area. I looked about for Nico. How come he always left? This is seriously getting ridiculous. He doesn't have to even talk or participate in what we are doing at the time, but he could at least stay for more than like five minutes. I didn't want him to ever go and one of these times he's going to end up going to the Underworld and never coming back or getting hurt. One of my worst fears is for the love of my life to get hurt. Wait, love of my life? I don't- no. Wait, yes I like him, but do I really truly love him? Would I want to spend the rest of my life with him? Would I- okay, why am I thinking about this? It's not like it would ever happen anyways. I need to just stop thinking--...

I tripped.

I fell flat on my face. I looked around and saw the small figure of Nico sitting against a tree, "You weren't watching where you were going, huh?" He said, chuckling a little. So adorable, oh my gods.

"Uh, yeah." I cleared my throat, "You shadow traveled."

"Oh, really? I had no clue. Thanks for pointing that out." He said, sarcasm dripping from each word he spoke. I blushed.

"Will you come back with me?"


Should I tell him I like him? Will that get him to come? Wait, why would that make him come with me? He'd probably be disgusted and not even come back ever. I'm an idiot.

"Well, I'm your friend. I mean, we all want you to hang out with us." I said. He looked at me and looked up at the sky.

"The only reason why I'm here is because Hazel wants me to be at this camp. To socialize, I suppose. But honestly, Percy, I don't belong here. No one enjoys me being here. I probably just bring more of a burden to you and the others." He said softly. I wanted to wrap my arms around him it would be alright, but I resisted the urge. I wanted to yell at him for saying he didn't belong, yet I resisted. I couldn't do much to make him feel better.

"Don't say that." I said bitterly, "Why can't you just accept that we want to be your friends? You do belong here."

He chuckled dryly, "I really don't belong here. I'm not even from this time period, Percy."

"Okay, so what, you're an old man. I get it. But please, come back to the group. Please?"

"Percy, you don't understand."

"So explain."

He sighed deeply and looked at the ground. He picked at his fingers for a few seconds before looking back at the sky, "I don't want to go back, Percy." He looked me in the eyes, "I like-.."

"NICO?!" Hazel's voice echoed through the woods. Was Nico just going to tell me who he liked? "NICO, GET BACK HERE!"

Nico sighed, getting up, "I guess I have to go back, then..." Hazel stomped over to us before Nico could start walking.

Her expression softened as she saw the two of us, "You know, I thought you were in trouble." She said in an annoyed voice, "But, fortunately no. You two were just flirting now-.."

"Hazel!" Nico yelled at his sister, "We weren't flirting nor would we ever flirt. Right?" He stared at me for an answer.

"I- right." I said awkwardly.

"Okay, great." Nico said, "Now, Hazel, I'm fine. There's no need to ever worry about me. I'm not even that important-."

"Shut up!" Hazel yelled before clinging on tightly to Nico, "Let's go." Nico nodded and started walking forward. I walked behind them. I could barely hear them talking. Nico turned away from his sister. I could've sworn he blushed.

Once we reached the beach again, the rest of the seven were gone. "They probably went back to the cabin." Hazel said, "Let's go."

Nico looked at the ocean and crossed his arms, "I'm going back to our cabin, alright? I'm kind of tired. Didn't get much sleep..."

"Well, maybe you should get to bed at a decent hour, Nico." Hazel retorted back to her older brother, "Now please come."

"Hazel, just let him get to sleep." I said. She looked back at me and narrowed her eyes, but nodded and sighed.

Nico kissed Hazel's cheek and said, "I'll see you tomorrow, Hazel." He walked away.

"Hey, uh, Hazel. Why did you say we were flirting?" I asked her curiously.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find out soon enough." She said smiling. We walked back to the Zeus cabin, my question still not answered.

As I walked through the door, Annabeth smirked at me.


I crept away from the rest of my sleeping friends. I needed to talk to Nico; I wanted to tell him how I felt. I didn't care how he reacted, I just needed to get it off my chest.

I knocked on the Hades cabin, not exactly expecting an answer. I hesitated, but opened the door. "Nico?" I said in a whisper. No response.

I crept over to his bed; he was asleep. He looked so peaceful. Like a child, almost. He was so adorable. He shivered in his bed and groaned something.

Before I knew it, I was in his bed. I slowly wrapped my arms around him. He looked terrified. Was he having a nightmare? Yes, probably. He pushed himself against me, his head in my chest. I smiled and closed my eyes. Falling into a dreamless sleep.


OH MY JESUS CHRIST, YOU ALL HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH IVE BEEN STRESSING ABOUT THIS STORY! I have the ending all planned which will end, sadly, maybe next chapter or so. Sigh, I am so sorry for not updating. But school and homework is holding me back from going on my electronics more often. School and homework need to back off some. Plus these past few days I've been sick then I got my stupid period ha ha ha so fun, right? Sorry for complaining. Hope you enjoyed this chapter that I had to quickly wrap up because I need to update. AND THANK YOU FOR 1k YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! Bye, I'll try and start the next chapter as soon as I can.

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