Chapter Twelve

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Nico's POV

Why did I even say yes? Why did i say I'd spend the night? Oh my gods, I'm a nervous wreck.

When he opened the door, he seemed to have zoned out. I reached up and snapped in his face, "Oh, right. Hi. You can come in."

I walked in and said, "So, um what are we doing tonight? Not to make that sound creepy or anything." I'm way too awkward, it annoys me.

He laughed and said, "We can watch movies if you want. I have snacks and stuff."

"Okay. What movies do you have?" This conversation was awkward to Nico. Well, a lot of things were awkward to him, anyways.

"Uh, Finding Nemo, The Hunger Games, Twilight, Disney movies and that's pretty much it."

"Okay, well you can pick. I won't mind whatever movie you pick."

Percy picked up Finding Nemo and put it in. I knew he'd pick that.

We sat on his sofa watching the movie until it was over. I didn't eat any snacks, since I never really ate anyway. He offered but I refused.

Once it was over, Percy said, "Im going to change into my pajamas." And with that he took off his shirt. Nico stared at his bare upper half, but didn't do anything.

So hot, he thought.

"Hmm? You say something?" Percy asked.

Shit, I said it aloud. I backed up against one of the shadows saying the word "shit" over and over as I shadow traveled away. I didn't really have a place in mind so I accidentally shadow traveled to some foreign country, "Shit." I said one last time. Then I had my cabin in mind, yet it took me to the beach at Camp Half-Blood. I just sat on the dock dangling my feet over into the ocean, the bottoms of my shoes barely touching the water.

"Nico? Is that you?" A very feminine voice said behind me. Annabeth.

She sat next to me before I could answer, "I thought you were at Percy's?"

"Who told you that?" I said bitterly, my cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"Percy, of course. Why aren't you there now?"

"I got nervous I guess, I get uncomfortable around people, that's all."

"Aww, Nico. It's okay." She said pulling me into her chest, hugging me.

"What are you doing?! Are you.. Crazy?!! I... Can.. Barely breathe... You psycho!!" I yelled while she squished me into her chest.

"Hmm? Oh sorry." She said letting go, "Everyone thinks you like me, so I was just checking to see if you did. I thought you did, personally."

"No. I-I don't." I said breathing heavily, "I mean not to offend you. It's just you're pretty and all, but you're just not my type, I guess." I said turning away from her.

She smirked, "What is your type?"

"I-... Why do you want to know?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know. Maybe to just help a friend out."

"Well, I don't want to tell you. Only two people know who I like. I just don't want it getting around, okay? Can you respect that?"

"Okay, well can you at least tell me who knows? This isn't to help the friend, it's just out of curiosity from myself."

I sighed, not knowing if I should tell her. She could tell anyone. We weren't really close like best friends, yet she basically wanted to know who my crush was. I finally answered looking down at the water, "J-Jason and Hazel..."

"Jason? Why would he know?"

"We encountered Cupid, once. And Cupid made me say who I liked. I wouldn't want Jason to know, but he came with me and we were in the same room."

"Oh, okay. Well, I'll leave you alone, now. I won't go bugging the people who know either, alright? Can you trust me?"

"No, I can't trust you, but whatever. I don't trust many people."

I sighed as she walked away, knowing perfectly well that she was planning to talk to one of them. What friend was she helping out? And why would they want to know who I liked?

No one even liked me in that way, right?

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