Chapter Eleven

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Percy's POV

I just asked him to come over, didn't I? Oh gods, what have I done? I paced my cabin until Annabeth walked in.

"Hey, Annie." I said.

"Hey. I'll be sure to talk to Nico today. And what's with the pacing?"

I hadn't realized I started it again. I was just way too nervous to stop even though I just wanted to stand still and talk to her about it. Why did it seem so hard to like a guy? Plus a guy who'll never like you back, whatsoever, because you're pretty sure he's straight. Seriously, this was frustrating. "I asked Nico to stay the night tonight and I'm just really nervous, Annie. I don't know what to do. I'm going to blow it, I'm so going to blow it."

She just laughed and said, "Yeah, you're definitely going to blow it tonight."

I was really confused then I realized the joke and turned beet red. It was funny so I laughed along with Annabeth. I'm really glad she was so understanding.

*time skip to breakfastio*

Annabeth and I walked together to breakfast. After we broke up she seemed to have changed. I mean she wasn't as strict as when we were dating. She never made dirty jokes or laughed this much. I guess I like the new Annabeth. She was just really fun to hang out with. I didn't have to worry about making dirty jokes because she made them too. She was much more talkative than how she normally is. It was as if she just let loose. I really don't know why or what made her change. The breakup? Did she have a new boyfriend? I wanted to ask her but didn't want to ruin her joy, so I kept quiet.

Once we got to breakfast, she sat next to Piper and I sat next to Jason, which was perfectly fine with me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Piper said to me and Annabeth, "You break up? I sense it, stronger than before. Aww, you broke up!"

"It's okay, Pipes. We're still friends." I said.

"Yeah, but you're not in love, are you?" She mumbled sadly.

"Uh, sorry?" Annabeth said to Piper who just looked down at her food.

"Where's Nico?" I whispered to Jason who pointed next to him. I hadn't noticed because he was smaller and quiet.

"Oh. Hi, Nico."

Jason exchanged a glance with Nico concluding with Nico turning away and blushing. Jason turned back to face me and just smiled. What was going on here?

When Nico controlled his blushing, he turned back and said very quietly, "Hi, Percy." I was glad he didn't call me "Jackson" like he always does. Jason looked at Nico again and once again, Nico started blushing, even brighter this time. Hazel looked at Jason in an unbelievable way as almost to say, "Lay off him!". What was going on that I couldn't see? Hazel obviously could.

Did Nico like Jason? It seemed to me like he did. I'll pound Jas-.. No. Nico can date who he wants. He's not mine, anyways. If he would be happy with Jason, then so be it. He can like whoever he wants to and I can't interfere. I looked to Annabeth and she gave me a sympathetic look. I gave her a curious look and she just shook her head "no". What is that supposed to mean? She knows I'm and idiot so she should know I don't understand.

Later on, Nico didn't join us in the camp activities. I guess he was too embarrassed by what Jason either said or showed him. I really had no idea which it was.

During sword practice with Jason I asked, "What'd you say to him, Jason? You got him all embarrassed."

"Who? Oh, Nico. Uh, nothing." He said chuckling a little.

"Didn't seem like it was nothing, but whatever." I said a little annoyed.

After a minute or two, I finally won. It was dinner after that, so I walked to dinner with Annabeth, "Are you nervous for when Nico comes over later?" She asked.

I totally forgot about that, "I forgot until you brought it up. But, yes, I'm nervous. Well, thanks for reminding me..." I mumbled.

She laughed, "Oh, look. Your boyfriend is sitting alone at the Hades table. Probably still embarrassed after what Jason did."

I stopped her from walking any farther and asked, "Annie, please tell me what he did. Can you tell me?"

"Well, after you said hi to Nico, Jason wiggled his eyebrows at him and Nico couldn't stop blushing. And, oh yeah. By the way, I forgot to talk to Nico. Sorry, Seaweed Brain."

"But, Jason did something else too, didn't he? Did you see that?"

"No. Jason realized I saw the first time, so made it so I couldn't see him. Im sorry."

"It's fine." I mumbled. I felt like she did see and didn't want to tell me. Was I going to get hurt over it?

I sat down at a table with my friends. I felt as if I was being watched. I looked around and my eyes spotted Nico at the Hades table. He was staring at me. Once we made eye contact he looked away. I couldn't tell if he was blushing or not. He probably wasn't. I had a feeling he liked Annabeth or maybe Jason. No, he was straight, wasn't he? And I just had to fall for a straight guy. Great.

*time skip to after dinner*

There was a knock on the door and I immediately knew who it was. Nico. I was way too nervous. But, I opened the door to find him staring at me with his big brown eyes that I found so dreamy. SNAP OUT OF IT, PERCY! This is just like we're friends, right? Yeah, just friends...


Okay, again I'm really sorry about the short chapters and I'm sorry about lack of update. I'm trying to update more but I get distracted during the day and I'll forget, so I'll try to post more. But, yeah hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'll try and update sometime tomorrow. Bye!

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