Chapter Nine

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Percy's POV

*now evening*

I will go to talk to Nico. I'm going to do it.

I knocked on the door to see him peak through a crack in the door, then opened it wider. That kind of surprised me.

"Er, come in." He said awkwardly. Why was he so awkward around me?

I walked in and he shut the door, "I just wanted to talk, Nico."

"So talk, Jackson."

"Well, a few nights ago, Jason told me that you, well, er, like me. I just wanted to know if it's true. I thought he was just joking with me." I said to find him wide eyed and pale.

Was it true?

Nico's POV

Oh, gods not this. I could tell him it was just Jason being an idiot or tell the truth. No, I wasn't ready to tell the truth. I'll lie. I'll have to lie. He can't know, yet. I have to be ready and I'm not ready at all. Gods, I should've prepared for something like this. Being questioned by him. I should've known. Wait, this'll look weird on my part if I'm just looking at him, shocked. I can't wallow in my thoughts for too long or it'll look suspicious.

"It was just uh, Jason being an idiot, Percy." I mumbled. I regretted every word my mouth produced. I was lying to the person I liked. Oh gods.

"Oh, uh, okay. Sorry for bothering you and all. Silly of me to believe Jason."

Was that disappointment in his voice? Sadness? What was wrong wiith him?

"But, Nico, why'd you go pale when I asked?" He said his hand on the door knob.

Uh oh. "Just shocked that you asked."

"O-Okay. Sorry again." And he left. Leaving me alone in my dark cabin.

Percy's POV

Why was I disappointed? Do I want him to like me?


But, Annabeth is amazing, yet I feel like I have special feelings for Nico. I was so confused.

"Oh, uh, Percy could we, um, talk?" Annabeth asked when we ran into each other.


We walked to my cabin and shut the door, "What is it?"

"Well, I'm really sorry but I just don't feel like we are as compatible as we used to be. I just want us to stay best friends, is that all right?"

"Uh, yeah it's okay. I was getting the same feeling. But, we're still best friends."

"Yeah. I'm glad you didn't take it the wrong way." She smiled at me.

"I just, I think I have feelings for someone else. Don't hate me, but it's a guy..' I said quietly.

"I wouldn't hate you over anything, Percy! Who is he?" She laughed.

"Uh, um, well, Nico..."

"Oh my gods, Percy!" She squealed and laughed.


"Nothing. But, everyone thinks he has a crush on me. Do you want me to find out for you?" She looked so happy.

"Umm, sure? Why not?" I was glad she understood.

"Yay! I'll start tomorrow and tell you what I find out!" She hugged me then left my cabin.

Why was she so excited?

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