Chapter Sixteen

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Jason's POV

After the campfire, I went to Annabeth to talk about tomorrow. She seemed so excited for our plans. The games and things really weren't much, but if it meant Nico and Percy getting closer, we would make it happen.

"Hey, Jason." Annabeth said.

"Hi. Did you want to talk about tomorrow?"

"Well, I'd love to. But, Percy might get suspicious of us talking almost all the time even if he has seaweed for brains. We'll talk some more with Hazel, okay? Goodnight!" She said and ran off to her cabin.

She seemed different since Percy and her broke up. I don't know why or what made her different. Was she just stressed out when they were dating? Is she happier when she's not dating? Is she dating someone else? I really have no idea at all. It wasn't really my business, but she is my friend too so I'd like to know.

I walked to my cabin and shut the door. I lay down on my bed and thought about the next day until sleep took over.


I woke to knocking at the door, "Hmmm?"

"Jason! Can we come in?" I heard Annabeth say.

"Sure. Yeah..." I said sleepily.

Hazel and Annabeth walked in. Was it ten already? "What time is it?" I asked getting out of bed.

"10:06." Annabeth replied.

"Now what are you planning to do?" Hazel asked, clearly annoyed that it was after ten.

"Oh, that. Well-" I started.

"We're going to play the pocky game and make them kiss. I don't feel like explaining all the details about that, but that's the main idea. And I think we should play Truth or Dare and maybe spin the bottle. Then we are going swimming." Annabeth finished quickly.

Hazel smiled and said, "Okay. If you guys need my help, I'll help. But, you guys can't make it too obvious, okay? Nico could notice that something is up if you make them kiss in some way. Just be subtle about it."

"We'll be as subtle as we can be. I mean, if pushing their faces together to make them kiss is subtle, then we are very subtle." I said.

"Alright, well shall we go to breakfast?" Hazel asked.

Annabeth and I nodded and walked off with Hazel.

Once we reached the dining pavilion, we all sat in our usual spots. I say next to Piper and Nico. Hazel sat next to Frank. And Annabeth sat next to Percy, who was squished against Nico from Annabeth's force.

Nico hadn't touched his food so I started talking to him, "You excited for our little party."

He turned to me with bags under his eyes. Had he slept? "No, not really. I have no clue what you have in store and-OW JACKSON, PLEASE MOVE!" He said and yelled the last part because Percy was being pushed into Nico.

"I can't help it." Percy mumbled. Annabeth grinned, but finally stopped.

Nico remained quiet after that, still not eating at all.

I felt a tap on my shoulder from Piper, "Hmm?" I asked.

She bent her head in closer to mine, "Does Nico have a crush on Percy? Or vise versa? Or both? I can sense something between the two."

"Yeah... Don't tell anyone, but yeah, they both like each other." I whispered to her.

She squealed and smiled. She looked as happy as ever.

"Shhh!" I said.

"Sorry, sorry. Just couldn't contain myself. You know how I get. I'm the daughter of Aphrodite, so what do you expect?" She said, a giant grin still plastered on her face. She really loved love. Well, yeah it makes sense; she is the daughter of love.

"It's okay. But, seriously, Piper. I trust you not to tell anyone, okay? Not any of your siblings or our friends, alright?" I said seriously.

"Okay, okay. I get it." She sighed, "I totally ship them. They were totally meant to be!"

"Yeah, okay, Beauty Queen."


"Piper! Shut up already!" I whisper yelled. She had been talking about "Perico" all day.

She rolled her eyes, "You totally ship them, too. Just admit it." She pecked my lips and continued rambling on about Perico in a hushed voice.

"Hey guys." Leo said sitting down, "Whatcha guys talking about?"

Piper spread an evil grin on her face and leaned forward towards his face, "Well, Nico and-" I quickly covered her mouth and smiled down at Leo, who had the most confused look on his face.

"Nico is super excited about the party later. That's what we were talking about. Piper just thought it was really funny since he's so awkward and quiet and never socializes." I laughed nervously. Nico shot me a cold glare.

"No I-" He started, but stopped when I put my other hand over his mouth.

"He's totally excited, he just doesn't want to admit it." Leo looked absolutely lost in this conversation. He turned to our other friends and emerged into their conversation. I uncovered their mouths.

Nico glared at me, "What did you tell her, Grace?" He growled in a hushed voice.

Piper laughed, but slowly contained herself. She was still fighting a fit of giggles when she whispered, "I had a feeling you had a crush on someone in this group and you know...."

Nico sighed and looked back down at the table with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry, Nico." I said quietly to him.

"Oh, Nico! It's okay." Piper said, "Do you really think I would tell anyone?"

"You probably will." He mumbled.

Piper had a hurt expression on her face, "I will tell someone if you have this attitude. Hey, Leo-!"

"Piper, please don't." I put a hand on her shoulder. She turned to me and smiled.

"I was kidding." She turned back to Leo, who looked startled once again, and said, "Never mind! I was just playing a joke on them. Sorry." Leo turned back to his conversation.

I looked to where Nico was sitting. He was gone.

"How come this always happens when he's talking to you?" Hazel said annoyed, "He always ends up leaving because of you."

"This time it wasn't my fault." I put my hands up in surrender then pointed at Piper.

Hazel turned to Piper with a curious expression, "Well, you see, I kinda sorta guessed his crush then threatened to tell somebody and then he left." Piper said fast and quietly.

Hazel rolled her eyes and walked towards the Hades cabin.

I pecked Piper's lips and said, "C'mon. Let's go get stuff for the party."

This was going to be fun.

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