Chapter Six

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Percy's POV

Percy was planning on talking to Nico after dinner, but Nico seemed too upset to talk to so he left it alone. He'd been thinking about what Jason said that night. He didn't know wether it was made up or it was real. He left the topic alone for the rest of the night but decided he would go down to the Hades cabin tomorrow and talk to Nico.

*time skip to the morning*

"Seaweed Brain! Wake up!" Annabeth yelled while shaking him awake.

"Wise Girllll." I said groaning.

"Wake up, Percy."

"Okay, okay."

I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"About 9:46, Seaweed Brain."

"Oh. Let's go get breakfast." I said excitedly.

They walked together, hand in hand, to breakfast with the others. I sat next to Annabeth and Jason and started eating at once.

"Have you seen Nico?" Jason asked me.

"Uh, no." I said my mouth full of blue pancakes.

"Oh, okay."

"Why do you ask? Don't you guys talk more anyways?" I said swallowing.

"I was just wondering. He wasn't in his cabin and I'm pretty sure he's still mad at me." He shrugged.

"I would be mad, too, Jason." I whispered to him.

He looked sad and fustrated, "But anyways, have you checked the woods for him?" I asked.

"No, not yet. I'll go now."

"Can I come-" I started.

"No. It should be between me and him, okay? Sorry." And with that he walked away.

"What were you guys talking about?" Annabeth suddenly asked.

"Uh, Nico. He was wondering where he was."

"Oh. You seem to be a lot more worried about him nowadays, Seaweed Brain." She said smiling.

"Yeah. I guess I have." I've been thinking about him, too.

"What do you think their argument was about?" She asked.

"Uh, I don't know. But it seems like Jason made him pretty mad."

I was lying to her. I never lied to her.

"Yeah, it's upsetting him pretty bad."

"Maybe he has a crush!" Piper chimed in, her eyes twinkling brightly.

"Maybe. But it doesn't seem very likely. It's almost like he has no feelings at all."

"No, I can sense he has a crush. It's probably Annabeth!" Piper smiled.

Annabeth blushed and said, "He doesn't have a crush on me. He may stare at me and Percy like he's about to kill someone, but-... Well on secondhand, maybe he does..."

They kept talking about Nico and crushes, giggling every so often.

He did have a crush...

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