Chapter Three

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Nico's POV

Nico got to sleep at about 2:30 AM and woke up at about 5:47. He usually woke up early and went to bed late. He always had bags under his eyes and was tired during the day, but it usually didn't phase him. But, he was thinking back to when he was at Jason's last night and wondered if Percy overheard.

He probably did, a voice in my head said, he heard everything and you'll be figured out.

No. What if Jason told him? Would Jason do that to me, though? He hoped not.

Nico groaned and put his knees to his chest and his head in his hands.

"Why did it have to be him? Why why why why?" I asked myself repeatedly.

Because you're an idiot.

Nico finally got out of bed and quickly showered and put on a black shirt, black skinny jeans, black shoes, and his aviator jacket. That's normally all he wore nowadays.

Not many campers were up, so he decided to go on a walk in the forest. He made sure to bring his Stygian iron sword incase of anything or anybody.

Did Percy really hear our conversation? If he did, he probably hates me now. Wait, what am I saying? Do I really care that much? It's not like anyone has cared about me, so why do I keep thinking and caring about Percy? I called him an idiot and I'm so cold to him; of course he'd hate me.

I should start being softer towards people, I thought to myself.

NO! DON'T LET YOUR GAURD DOWN! DON'T LET HIM TAKE YOU DOWN, another voice in my head screamed.

But, if I'm kind, there would be a better chance of me having Percy. No, that's selfish and terrible.

You are a terrible person anyways...

I don't belong here. I shouldn't even be able to call Percy mine if-

"Hey, Nico!" A voice behind me said, brightly.

I stumbled, "Aagh! Shit.." Smooth.

I turned around to face Hazel.

"Sorry, Nico! I didn't mean to scare you! Are you okay?"

"Oh, hey. I'm fine." I was so glad to see my sister and not Jason or Percy.

"Oh, good. What are you doing so early, anyways?"

"I always get up early."

"Nico, you have bags under your eyes. Have you been staying up late? Was that yelling last night coming from you?"

"Uh, erm yes and yes." I said awkwardly, knowing Hazel would be disappointed.

"Nico! You shouldn't stay up late and you know that! Now, what were you doing yelling? All the campers came out of their cabins." She said, scolding me like a mother figure.

"Sorry... Grace and I got in a fight about something really stupid. It wasn't a big deal. I overreacted. I'm sorry, Hazel."

"Oh, it's okay! I'm not mad, I was just worried that's all. Will you eat with the rest of us at breakfast today?"

THANK THE GODS SHE DIDN'T ASK WHAT THE FIGHT WAS ABOUT. I feel bad for keeping a secret from her, but I just don't want it spreading.

"I, uh, well-" I started but saw Hazel give me the puppy dog eyes and said, "Oh, fine. What time?"

"I'll just pick you up later, okay? And thanks eating with us. You look unhealthily skinny, Nico. You need some extra pounds!"

"Okay, Hazel. I love you and all, but I don't need to be lectured about my weight and stuff. I'll see you at breakfast." He said a little too grouchy. I hope I didn't hurt her feelings, but she was just getting on my nerves for some reason today....

*couple hours later*

Hazel picked me up at my cabin and had to go to breakfast. He didn't really want to, but he said he would. He didn't want to face Jason or Percy. Jason had a point last night, but I just continue being mad at him. And Percy is a different story; an annoying story. I'll blush over the littlest things and get mad because Percy and Annabeth will kiss or hug or hold hands or something. I just can't stop the pang of jealousy in my heart every time I see them do it. Everyone out of the seven thinks I like Annabeth, too. It's fine with me if it hides my feeling towards Percy. I'll just talk very little at breakfast today. I'm just really pathetic.

For breakfast, I only had a few pieces of fruit. I really didn't eat at all.

"No, Nico, you have to eat more! Please? For me?" Hazel said batting her eye lashes.

"Hazel, I'm really not at all hungry, so please just don't worry about me, okay? I'm fine, really." I whispered to Hazel.

"Okay, sorry. I do get worried about you, Nico. I really care about you."

There the word was spoken again; care. No one cared for me. It was all just worthless pity. The little boy who has no family. They all just pity me. Care and pity are two different things. People should choose their words carefully next time. I'm just sick of hanging out with people...

"Nico! Earth to Nico. Are you there?" Jason said.


"Yeah, I'm here, Grace. What do you want?" I snapped at him.

"Jeez, you should really be kinder to someone who was trying to help you. Sorry but..." He leaned in closer so only I could hear, "I broke the promise. I was exhausted last night and I accidentally told him, Nico. I'm sorry I re-"

WHAT?! I stumbled back and shadow traveled to my cabin with the nearest shadow I saw.


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