Chapter Five

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Nico's POV

Nico was pacing his cabin back and forth; a complete nervous wreck.

If Percy came to talk to me later, should I lie? Should I continue to keep it from him? He surely knows. I told him I didn't want to socialize; he should respect that, right? Meaning he won't come to me and ask questions? I'll have to lie if he does. No, he won't come. He doesn't care, so he won't come. I'm not worried. Nope.

"Nico, please come join us for the camps' activities. I'm sorry about your argument, but you can't isolate yourself all the time. Please?" Hazel's voice said through the cabin door.

"Hazel, I'm sorry, but I just need time alone, okay? Please just go with the others and enjoy your time. I just need to think right now..." I said.

This time it was Jason. He walked through the door and closed it behind him, "Nico. You can't do this. He knows and I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to tell him, Nico. But now, if he asks, you can't lie. He has to know some time. If you want a chance with him-"

"I'm not telling him! I'm not telling anybody! You wanted to spill my secret! You want me to be humiliated! Just leave me alone, Grace!" I growled.

He looks down at me and said, "I didn't want any of those things. I want you to be happy, is all. I think you'd be happier if you just told him, but you think differently. I care a lot and don't say no one does, because we all do. Even if it doesn't seem like it, we are all here for you and you can talk to any of us- Percy included."

"I'm lying to Percy, if he asks. He doesn't need to know. I don't want him to know. And I can't talk about my crush with my crush, okay? I-I'll just tell him when I'm ready, alright? Just please stop nagging me about it. You can talk to me about him when I want to, okay? Now, please go and have fun with your friends. I really don't want to socialize right now and especially with that group of people." I said rather fast.

"Nope. You're coming with me. I'm not letting you run away and sulk in here. Come on." Jason said, dragging me out of my cabin.

"No! Jason, please let me go! I don't want to, please? Leave me alone!" I yelled hitting him on his arm. He was much more muscular so he didn't even flinch. Maybe I should gain more weight, just so Grace can't do dumb things like this.

"Nico, you're coming wether you like it or not." He said with a stupid grin on his face.

I crossed my arms while he dragged me to his group.

"Okay, I got him out. Let's go." Jason said to everyone.

I walked at the back of the group, looking down at the ground still crossing my arms. Why did he pretend to care so much? These aren't my friends. I don't have friends. Jason may act like it, but it's all just pity. I'm too stubborn to listen to what anyone has to differ.

"You okay, Nico?" Hazel asked smiling.

"Just fine, Hazel. Just fine." I said quietly to my half sister. There was concern in her eyes so I knew I made her upset. I make everyone upset. I always seem to regret it later, too? Why is that? Do I really care about these people? Do they really care about me?

No! They don't care! They don't care at all! Don't listen to them, a voice in my yelled at me.

My own thoughts are against me. Funny.

"Nico? Nico! Helllloo?!" Jason said, snapping in front of my face, "You keep zoning out, Nico."

"So sorry." I muttered, "What do you want?"

"I was going to ask if you wanted to sword practice with me. You don't have to if you don't want..."

"Sure, I'll do it." I said unenthusiastically.

"Great!" He said, pulling me over to where we could practice alone.

"Do you want to tell me something? You usually practice with Leo or Percy." I asked him looking at the ground.

"Well, ah, Percy asked more about the thing..." My head shot up looking at him, carefully listening now, "I don't think he believes that you really like him like that. He thinks we made it up to play a joke on him. Or to maybe cover up that you like someone else."

"Well, that's fine with me if he doesn't know. I'm not telling him anytime soon.."

"He said he wanted to talk to you. I don't think it's about the crush, but of it is tell him what you want to say. I'm not going to interfere." He said quietly, "He hasn't been hanging out with Annabeth often. He might want to talk about that, I don't know, he didn't specify."

"O-Okay. Uh, when exactly?" I asked nervously.

"Either tonight or tomorrow, I think."

"Shit." While they were talking they started sword fighting, but Jason finally own and Nico could be done, "Well, that's over. I'll be going." I said turning around. But, Jason grabbed me by the back of my jacket.

"Not so fast, di Angelo. You're not going anywhere. You're staying with us to do our activities." He said smiling brightly. I glared at him.

"What else do I have to do?" I said groaning.

"It's not like I'm torturing you." He said laughing.

Yes, you are.

*time skippy to dinner*

"Did you have fun today, Nico?" Jason asked sitting down next to me.

"In all honesty, no not at all. You pretty much forced me into doing everything, so why would I have fun, Grace?" I muttered.

"Because camp is fun and you should have fun. I might just have to drag you again tomorrow if you're acting like this." Jason grinned at his food.

"Oh gods, no. Please?" He didn't look impressed so I said, "I had the time of my life, Jason. If only I wasn't so tired, I'd love to do it again. But, I'm so sore and tired that I just can't." I said faking a smile at him.

He cracked up laughing and said, "That was great, Nico, but I'm still bringing you tomorrow."

I put my head on the table and didn't talk at all.

"You okay, Nico?" Percy asked, looking at me curiously.

"Yeah, just fine, Jackson..." I muttered into my arms.

"You should eat your dinner, Nico. Hazel looked pretty upset that you didn't even take a bite." He said brightly.

"Whatever. I'm not hungry." I said slightly blushing. Seriously?! Blushing over that?! Pathetic.

Nico went to his cabin shortly after that, not bothering to say goodnight to his "friends".

Thank the gods Percy didn't come talk to him. He probably didn't care, so what was the big deal? He wasn't going to talk to Nico because it wasn't a big deal. He thought it was joke, right?

Nico was pretty much all wrong.

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