Chapter Fourteen

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Nico's POV

I was thinking about what happened last night. Everything that happened replayed in my mind. I got all nervous and freaked out because he took his shirt off. It really wasn't that big of a deal, yet I get so nervous over little things. That's probably why he'd never like me. And because I'm a guy and not a blonde girl, even though they broke up. But anyways, I freak out over little things and run away. I'm pathetic and just a dumb little kid. Yeah, I said it. I'm a dumb little kid. I guess I refer to myself as that because people treat me like it and I guess it just stuck in my head. But, yes. I'm a complete idiot who will probably never have another chance at dating Percy again. I mean, I never did in the first place. I just went to his house as a friend. Just a friend. Well, probably a little less than an actual friend. I could never refer to myself as being Percy's friend like the way I do when I refer to myself as an idiot. Because the last one is true; I'm a complete idiot who-...

Jason came in my room without knocking and closed the door, ruining my peace and quiet and ruining my thoughts. "What?"

"I'm hosting a party with Annabeth and I want you to come. Will you please come? I'm seriously begging you." He said quite quick.

"Who's going to be at the party and what is going to be going on at the party?" I really hate socializing.

"All of our friends and we're just going to play games and watch movies and talk and maybe swim if the weather is good." He faster than before.

"I-I don't want to go, but whatever. I'll go." I said annoyed a little.

"Thank you, Nico! Come over tomorrow in the afternoon and bring swimming trunks if we go swimming, alright?"

Jason turned around to go but I grabbed his arm and said quietly, "Jason, I don't know how to swim."

"Oh, well that's alright. You can just sit on the beach or something." He said smiling, "But, I gotta go. Bye!"

He slammed the door shut letting Nico explore his own thoughts once again.

I wish I could just shut everyone out of my life. I hated socializing and I hated the fact that Jason was always pushing me to confess my love for Percy. I hated the fact that I had to hang out with people who don't even like me and look scared of me. I hated the fact that I was in love with the son of Poseidon with his perfect sea green eyes and how he was kind to people. I hated how I could never have Percy and I hated the fact that I loved him. I hated the fact that Bianca had to die. It could of been me. Or if I was never born, she might've not been dead. I'd blame the fact that she was dead on me for the rest of my dumb life. Couldn't it just end already? Pierce a sword through my heart or shoot me with arrows or have a monster slowly and painfully shred me to pieces while I suffer because I truly deserved it. I didn't care! Just end it already! I would never be happy in the world I live in because all the people I love will just end up deceased or they'll just leave my life forever. And I'd blame myself no matter what killed them or made them leave. I would always be at fault.

Tears started to form in my eyes. I let a tear slide down my cheek and fall onto my bed. I chuckled lightly as I saw the tear fall. More tears fell and my chuckles turned into sobs. I lay back in bed and put my hands over my face. I soon cried myself to sleep. With nothing but nightmares crept in my dreams.


Okay, okay, okay. This chapter was incredibly short and I am terribly sorry. I didn't have much to write, so it's basically just a filler, I guess. But, now that school has started, updates will be way slower than normal and it may take a little for me to update and I'm sorry. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Bye!

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