Chapter Seventeen

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Nico's POV

I hate Jason. I hate Piper. I hate Percy. I hate everyone. Why did I agree to going to this dumb party? I don't even like anybody there. Well, I like Percy, but that's not the point. Point is, I don't want to go. But, Jason would've talked me into it any other way so it's just best not to argue with him, right?

Of course Piper would find out. She's the daughter of Aphrodite, what did I expect? Why did I ever even have to have a crush on him? I hate him. No, I like him. I love him. Gods, I hate love.

Hazel came barging into the cabin, "I heard what happened."

I nodded and sat on the sofa. Hazel say next to me and put her arm around me.

"It's not that big of a deal, Hazel. You don't have to worry about me." I muttered.

"So, why'd you storm off?"

Dammit. "Hazel, don't you have a party to go to?"

"We have a party to go to with our friends. You're going."

"I don't want to go."

"Too bad, Nico. They want you there. I want you there. Please?" She begged.

I didn't want to make her upset. I did care about her as a sister, "Okay, okay. I'll go."

She smiled and stood up, "Well, I'm going to go back and get Frank, then we'll go to Jason's, okay? Bye!" She walked out the door and back to her friends.

I hate parties.


"Nico! Come on! Open up!" Hazel yelled from out side my cabin.

I groaned and pulled myself up out of bed. I pushed the door open to find an annoyed Hazel.

"You have to get ready. We've been knocking for minutes now!" She pointed to herself and Frank who was awkwardly standing behind her.

"What do I have to bring?" I asked.

"A change of clothes, pillow, swim stuff."

"I can't swim, but I'll get the other stuff..."

I quickly grabbed a bag and put pajama pants and a blanket in.

I went back to Hazel and Frank, who were both talking in low voices.

"Okay. Ready to go?" Hazel asked when she noticed me.

I nodded and we set off to Jason's.

Once we got there, all of the others were already there. I hate parties.

"Hi, guys!" Jason greeted us.

"Hey!" Hazel replied.

"You guys can take a seat. We've just been talking while we were waiting for you."

Hazel and Frank sat on a sofa next to each other, leaving no other space to sit. I sat on the ground next to Hazel.

"Do you guys want to play truth or dare?" Piper asked. I didn't, but it seemed that everyone else did.

"Who's going to start?" Percy asked.

"I'll go." Jason said, "Piper, truth or dare?"

And that's all that happened. Everyone was skipping me and doing everyone else. But, then it got to Annabeth.

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