Chapter Thirteen

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Annabeth's POV

Hazel would never tell who her brother likes, ever. So, I'd have to question Jason. If it didn't work, I would need to bring up Percy and say it's to help him. I felt bad for doing this, but I had to do it, for Percy. If Nico liked Percy, then it would be a good thing to bring it up to Jason, right? It made sense to me.

I walked into the Poseidon cabin and said, "Percy! I know who knows Nico's crush." While closing the door, "And he doesn't like me in that way!"

"Cool. But, he just left me." He said a little sadly. He was so in love with Nico.

"He said he gets uncomfortable around people. You can't take that personally, Percy." I said sitting next to him.

"Okay, okay."

"Well, I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight, Percy." I said closing the door and leaving. I decided not to tell him I would go question Jason. If Nico doesn't like Percy, he'd get really hurt and I really don't want to see him hurt.

I got to my cabin and almost feel asleep immediately, think about what would happen the next day...

*time change to morning*

I got up early to get ready for the day, and to plan out what I would say to Jason. I didn't really have to plan out what I would say, I was just way too excited. I walked outside to see if Jason was up. He was walking outside, heading toward the Aphrodite cabin. I ran in front of him and blocked him from going any further, "I need to talk to you, Jason. Now, please?"

"O-Okay." There was a hint of nervousness in his voice. He turned back around and lead the way to his cabin, "Um, what'd you want to talk about." He said once we got to his cabin.

"Nico. And I need to know the truth, alright?" He looked nervous again but nodded, "Who does he like?"

"Annabeth, I really can't tell you. I promised him I wouldn't and I have to keep it a secret."

"I'm just doing this for someone else. They like Nico and I need to know if Nico like them back."

"Tell me who the friend is and I'll tell you who he likes."

"Okay, fine. But don't you dare tell anyone, Grace. Not Nico, not anybody. Got it?" He nodded, "It's for... Percy."

He grinned at me and whispered in my ear in case anyone was eavesdropping, "Nico likes Percy."

We both smiled at each other and squealed like two crazy Fangirls.

"I have an idea." I said. He gave me a look of curiosity so I continued, "Percy doesn't have the balls to ask Nico out even if he knows he likes him back. So, I say we hold a party with all eight of our friends at someone's cabin and we could play the pocky game."

He gave me a questioning look and so I went on, "The pocky game is where there's people and you have one pocky and you keep passing it down the line once it gets gradually smaller as two people down the line bite into it. If someone's lips touch, they lose. Or at least I'm pretty sure those are the rules. But, if Nico and Percy were at the end of the line, the pocky would be at its smallest. Then I could shove Percy's head into Nico's while you do the same with Nico, making them kiss, wether I wanted to or not."

"That's a perfect idea!" He said and high fives me, "We could play other games or we could go swimming after since the weather is already hot again."

"This is a great idea. When and where should the party be? My cabin would probably be too crowded so, yours?"

"Yeah, sure. We could have it tomorrow. You guys could all sleep over, too."

"Okay. Let's go invite them all!" I said.

They both went there separate ways to invite their friends.

"Hazel! Frank!" I said as I saw them in sight.

They turned around and Hazel smiled, "Hi, Annabeth."

"Jason and... I... Are hosting.... A party... At his cabin... Do you guys want to come?" I said breathless.

"I'm sorry, but-" Hazel started.

I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "It's for Nico. Don't tell Frank, okay?"

"Okay. I'll go." She said with a smile, "What about you, Frank?"

He looked really confused but said, "If you're going, then I'll go." Hazel stood on her tiptoes and kissed Frank's cheek.

"Okay, good. Come over tomorrow at the Zeus cabin sometime in the afternoon, alright? Bring a swimsuit, too. Just in case we might go swimming." I said happily.

They walked away, so I found Piper in her Aphrodite cabin.

"Hey, Pipes!" I yelled over the loud notice of girls and boys talking about hair and clothes.

Piper found her way over to me and said, "Hi, Annabeth."

"Well, Jason and I wanted to have a party with all of our friends tomorrow. Would you come?"

"Of course! When and where?"

"Tomorrow in the afternoon sometime and it's at the Zeus cabin. Bring your baiting suit, too!"

"Okay! See you later!"

I walked out of the crowded and over to the Poseidon cabin. I came in and asked, "Did Jason already invite you, Percy?"

"Invite me to what?"

"Take that as a no. Jason and I are hosting a party and I was wondering if you'd want to come. We're going to go swimming at the party and other stuff..."

"Yeah! I'll go. When is it? And where?"

"Tomorrow sometime in the afternoon. And it's at the Zeus cabin. Alright, we'll see you later!"

I walked out and looked for Jason. He was walking out of the Hephaestus cabin. I ran up to him and said, "Leo coming?"

"Of course. He loves parties."

"What about Nico? I got everyone else but him."

"I'll do it." He said.

"Okay! Good luck by the way!" He walked off to the Hades cabin and went in.

The party was going to be great.

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