Realizing Feelings

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Clem's POV

Clem wakes up and the sun is out she notices aj is still asleep but she also notices that she had her head on your chest and You had your arm wrapped around. She assumes that she was twisting and turning in her sleep and woke up like that.

Clem: I can't lie it kinda feels comfortable.

You then start to wake up and Clem immediately moves her head to the pillow.

You: Good morning Clem, how did you sleep?

Clem: Good Morning Y/N I slept pretty good I guess how about you?

You: I slept pretty good too but it feels like something was being buried into my chest though.

Clem then turned away blushing making sure you do not see.

You: Oh yeah don't forget we have to meet Marlon in the morning about us staying.

Clem: Ok.

Aj begins to wake up

Aj: Good morning.

You & Clem: Morning.

Aj: I'm glad I slept on the bed like you told me to, it was really comfortable!

You: Come on Aj we gotta go talk to Marlon.

Aj: Hopefully Tenn will be there.

Inside The Admin Building

You, Clem and Aj go to Marlons office where Aj and Tenn had an argument over a toy but Clem was able to give the toy back to Tenn. Afterwards Tenn went to go get Marlon.

Aj: Clem come here.

Clem walks over and notices that aj is holding a picture of Louis and Marlon when they were little kids

Clem: They seem to know each for a long time and now they are best friends

The door than begins to try to open.

Clem: Marlon-

Rosie then begins to come inside and growls at them

Clem: S-stay back..

You: Clem don't be afraid of her. Dogs can tell when you are scared of them and they can use that as an advantage against you. (true fact btw)

Clem gets even more scared when Rosie starts to bark until Marlon walks in.

Marlon: What is going on? Hey Rosie it's ok girl.. shh...

Marlon begins to pet Rosie to calm her down.

Marlon: You said you had bad experience once with a dog once I didn't realize you were that scared of them that much but I promise Rosie is not that frightening here let me show you.

Clem still scared doesn't want to

Marlon: Do you trust me?

You: Come on Clem i will do it too.

Clem: Ok.

Rosie than begins to sniff her hand and lick it. Rosie does the same to you.

Marlon: Now whistle and tell her to lie down.

Clem: *whistles* go lie down Rosie.

And Rosie does just that.

Marlon: I'm glad you guys came here because Violet and Aasim and Louis are probably gonna need some help.

You: What's wrong?

Marlon: Nothing it's just Violet and Brody are going down to the river to catch some fish and they sometimes don't get along. And Aasim and Louis are going hunting for rabbits and anything else really, well I hope Louis does go. Both could use some extra hands.

You: I can go help Louis and Aasim and Clem and aj can maybe go help or I Brody and Violet and they can help Lou and Aasim.

Clem: No it ok me and aj are going fishing.

Aj: Yes!!

Marlon: Here take this map to help you just in case you get lost.

Clem: Thanks

Marlon: Be careful out there. Go get those fish aj!

Marlon holds his hand up and him and Aj high five each other.

10 minutes later...

You: Here is your knife Clem just in case you run into walkers on your way to the river.

Clem: Thanks.

Louis: Ready Y/N and Aasim?

Aasim: Yep.

You: Be good and stay close to Clem, Brody and Violet ok Aj?

Aj: Yeah.

Clem: Be careful out there.

You: You too.

5 minutes later

Your POV

Aasim: Hey guys make sure you are careful with the traps they are easy to notice so I don't expect trouble.

Louis: I can handle myself I'm pretty much a ninja.

You: And I thought I was the only ninja.

You 3 continue walking...

Louis: Hey Y/N?

You: What's up?

Louis: How long have you and Clem known each other?

You: Since the start I'm glad I met her and always has my back and I always have hers.

Louis: Yeah it's nice to have something like that, me and Marlon knew each other before everything started, he is my best friend but it sucks the good memories you had as kid are gone.

You: Ain't that the truth.

Louis: Ever thought about you and her dating though?

You: Um...

Louis: Ohhh you have feelings for her don't you?

You: Hey I don't know what you are talking about.

Louis: Sureeee. I have seen the way she looks at you and I will be honest man I think she has feelings for you too.

You: Yeah Louis you are just crazy now.

Louis: Maybe but I'm not stupid though.

You: You act like it sometimes haha.

Clementine X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now