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Clem and the rest had been walking to the Delta for a long time that they finally made it and distracted a walker so one of the guards can shoot it.

The guard does so and the walker falls to the ground.

Clem then drags the walker behind a bush so they can cover the people going in for Louis and the rest up.

"Ugh... I guess we're really doing this." Ruby says.

"Only the team going inside will cover themselves up." Clem responds.

"So any idea where your walker friend is at?" Ruby asks.

"He's here!" AJ says.

Ruby and the rest quickly turn around and she gets frightened.

"Uh.... hello there..." James nervously says.

The rest just stand there speechless.

"Guys this is James.." Clem tells everyone.

"He is my friend." AJ adds on.

Willy then gets excited.

"That is so cool! How do you get the skin like that?" He asks.

James at this point stutters very nervously.

"Willy, ask questions later but now you gotta stay focused." Clem tells him.

"Right.. I'm sorry.." Willy apologizes.

Violet isn't really good with introductions so she approaches James.

"Hey... nice to meet you.. James." She says.

"Sorry about Willy." She adds on.

"So is this the guy Clem said she would marry?" Tenn asks.

"Yep.." AJ responds.

"C- Clem can I speak to you alone for a bit?" James asks.

"Yeah, sure... everyone stay here." Clem says as she walks away with James.

"The walkers will be here in a bit Clem, you can walk with them when they pass by the trees." He tells her.

"Then the noises from the boat will draw them to the water." He adds on.

"And then me and my group will get onboard to save Y/N and the rest." Clem responds.

"Your are friends are like you, open minded and accepting.. that's usually not how my first impressions go."
James says.

James then takes off his mask and pulls out a picture.

"I wanted to show you something." He says.

He hands the picture to Clem as she looks at it.

"That was my boyfriend... Charlie." He continues.

"We were part of The Whisperers together, but then it changed him... in a way that couldn't be undone, it changed both of us."

"What do you mean?" Asks Clem.

"At a young age the whisperers were my family, and at the time I witnessed a lot death and suffering that eventually.. I became the cause of it." James responds as he continues.

"Weakness was considered poison, and I believed it a lot.. so much that when another boy expressed sympathy for our enemy during an attack."

James now covers his face revealing the worst part.

"I slit his throat..." he finally says.

Clem looks up surprised by the words James just said.

"That's... a horrible thing to do James.." Clem says.

"I know now it is, but back then i didn't because I didn't care, it had to be done." He responds.

"And ever since then I kept hearing his voice say.. 'those people are like us, just on a different path."

"And ever since, I have stopped killing when no one would." James continues.

"And when AJ told me he killed, it reminded me of Charlie. Taking a life at a young age breaks something inside... like it did to Charlie."

Clem thinks about this whole thing that James is telling her as James continues.

"I'm scared that if AJ kills again he won't be able to go back."

Clem looks at AJ who was aiming with his gun for practice before looking back at James.

"Being ruthless is what has kept him alive James.."

"And if history remains the same, it will be the thing that gets him killed." James responds.

He then sees the walkers he was trying to bring to the Delta approach.

"All right, they're close... and soon there will be enough to provide us cover." James says.

"I'll lead you through them to the boat, but that is as far as I go, and the rest is up to you." James says putting back on his walker mask.

"Thank you.." Clem responds.

"Don't mention it... take care of AJ." James tells her.

He then blends in with the herd to distract them to the boat as Clem goes and gets everyone ready.

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