Who are you?

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It is already night and Clem and the others are walking to train station where the food for tonight should be at.

Your POV

You: Hey, Clem..

Clem: What's up?

You: What do we do if we don't find food, should we look somewhere else?

Clem: If they are okay with that sure. But I don't want anyone getting hurt though.

Louis: And what if we come across the guy who destroyed our traps?

Violet: Maybe take him back to the boarding school and see what Marlon would want to do.

Louis: Maybe.

5 minutes later...

Clem: We're here.

You: There is the car which is now gone.

Aj: There's monsters everywhere.

Clem: Don't worry Aj we will come up with a plan.

Clem starts to inspect the place to see if they can get in another way.

Louis: Clem you got a plan yet?

Clem: Yeah here is a bell.

Clem hands the bell to you.

Clem: The bell can draw the walkers attention. If one of us climbs up there and starts ringing it...

Violet: I vote Louis.

Louis: Um hold up I would like to make an alternate suggestion.

Violet: Come on Louis, you're loud and sometimes annoying.

Louis: Nah I think you mean charming and theatrical you can also say entertaining too, did I mention charismatic?

Violet: My point proven.

You: I will go with Louis.

Louis: Thank you! Also if I die i will make sure walker Louis eats both of you first.

Clem: Alright Y/N let's see those skills you told me about 2 weeks ago in action.

You: Um.. ok

Louis: You can't say no to a face like that huh Y/N?

You: (playfully) Shut up.

You and Louis starts attracting the walkers attention so Clem and Aj can get inside. And they do get inside without making any noise.

Clem's POV

Clem: Aj go down there and grab any food you can find okay?

Aj: Got it!

Aj grabs a can of food.

Aj: Here Clem.

Clem: Nice job keep it coming goofball.

Aj begins to bring Clem more food to pack up. All the sudden a tall man walks in and has a gun in his hand and has two different colored eyes.

???: Stand...Slowly.

Clem does what he says.

???: Good now don't yell. Don't try anything. And I won't hurt you.

Clem: Who are you and why are you here?

???: My name is Abel and I just need some food, same reason you're here.

Clem than notices Abel has a cigarette that looks just like the one by one of the destroyed traps.

Abel: Ya know you and your friends made a lot of noise out there. It wasn't really hard to follow.

Clem: I've seen those cigarettes. You messed up our traps didn't you?

Abel: Guilty as charged. You seem young to be out here on your own.. you got a group?

Clem: Tell me about your group first.

Abel: (chuckles) I missed the days we weren't all so cagey. I don't have a group just me and my ugly face.

Aj then comes out and notices Abel pointing his gun at Clem.

Abel: Hey there kid. Playing hide and seek?

Aj points his gun at Abel

Abel: That's impolite now.

Aj: I could kill you right now.

Abel: I'm a faster shot than you kid.

Clem not sure what to do makes a bold move.

Clem: Aj get down!

Clem pushes Abel to a pack of walkers.


Abel starts shooting at the walkers.

Violet: What just happened?!

Clem: Grab a bag and fill it up!

After Clem and Violet fill up bags they all get out of there.

Clem: Louis, Y/N!! Run now!!

Louis and you began running with the others.

You: I heard gunshots!

Louis: Me too what happened?

Violet: Just keep moving!

Clem: I will tell you guys on the way.

You and everyone continued running back to Ericson's boarding school.

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