After school

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Caitlyn, Chloe and the girls walk outside. Matt and Cameron are already on the bus. Chloe: "do you girls want to go over my house?"

Everyone but Caitlyn: "sure!"

Caitlyn: "i have to ask my mom first."

Chloe: "you could go home and ask her then come over if you want."

Caitlyn: "ok."

Chloe: "ok but just text me if you are."

Caitlyn: "ok"

Caitlyn and the girl walk on the bus.

Matt: "Caitlyn can you go home and tell mom I'm going over Camerons?"

Caitlyn: "why can't you?"

Matt: "it's not like you have plans."

Caitlyn: "how do you know? you werent with me all day like you used to."

Matt: "whatever Caitlyn i'll remember that next time you ask for a favor."

*2 minutes later*

Caitlyn the girls, Matt and Cameron get off the bus. Chloe, the girls, Matt and Cameron walked up Chloe's drive way while Cailyn kept walking. Caitlyn walks into her house and in the kitchen her moms standing there. "hi mom."

CM: "how was your day?"

Caitlyn: "good i guess. i just can't wait to go to California for a few days i really miss my friends. Expecially Prodigy, im in a play and i have to act like I'm moving again, leaving my celeb. boyfriend and then moving here and being in a play and getting famous."

CM: "sounds like your life except you being famous."

Caitlyn: "exactly my point." Caitlyn's dad walks into the kitchen. "who are you guarding tonight?"

Cd: "uh Justin Bieber. why you wanna go?"

Caitlyn: "nah i'm not into bieber."(no offence to JB)

Cd: "ok wheres Matt?"

Caitlyn: "camerons house?"

Cm: "idk who that is."

Caitlyn they live down the street.

*3 hours later* matt comes home and its 9:00. everyone goes to bed.

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