Are you serious.

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Recap: the boys run into Caitlyn's room, closes and locks everything and sits in a corner.

Chloe's mom: "I'm here for Chloe, she should not be in the same house as Craig."


Chloe's dad: "then where is he."

Chloe: "........."

Meanwhile, in Caitlyn's room Prodigy was freaking out. the boys were talking in whispers.

Prince: "who is that and why you drag us up here?"

Prod: "thats Chloe's parents, last time i came here i was invited to one of Brookstone's plays."

Flash Back

the play ends and prodigy starts to walk out of the auditorium when Chloe's parents stop him. "The next time you come here i will beat you up."'

Prod: "tough guy huh?"

Chloe's dad: "don't mess with me boy you already did with my daughter."

Prod: "well she'll get over it. now excuse me, i gotta get to my plane." as Prod starts to walk away Chloe's dad starts to throw a punch at Prod, Prod grabs his hand and wrist twists it and puts it towards his back. after that.

Chloe's dad: "this isn't over kid!" Prod shruggs and walks away.

end of flash back.

the boys: move their shoulders in cirlces and makes a wierd face.

someone knocks on the door and Prodigy tenses up with a scared face on.

The boys: "dont worry, we got your back."

Princeton opens the door, sees Chloe's dad. "nope dude i'm out. sorry, Spread the Peace guys!" Princeton runs out the door. Ray and Roc stand infront of Prod.

Chloe's dad: "look i didn't mean what i said at the play."

Prod: "explain."

Chloe's dad: "i just don't like seeing my daughter sad."

Prod and them get it settled and undercontrol. they cool. Chloe's dad and mom leaves Chloe with her friends, and walks out the door.

a hour later The phone rings.

Cailtyn runs over to the phone. "heelllooo?"

?!: "is Caitlyn their?"

************************************************************** sorry, this chapter was short. and sorry it took me so long to type it, i was crying throughout the whole chapter. but i thought i'd  leave it off with that.

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