Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: || Mary

Me and Teo are having a sleep over at his house tonight, and it's going to be so much fun I can't wait. But right now I'm at school, waiting for the day to be over so I can go to the mall and shop for clothes and go over to Teo's house.

The bell rings and I quickly head over to cheerleading practice with Erika and some other girls. We make it there on time and we put on our cheer outfits. We practice, while the football players are practicing too. The big game is coming up in a week and everyone is excited and nervous.

I catch one of the football players eyeing me up and down. His name is Jack and he's like a jock, plus he's a sophomore. The captain of the football team, the quarterback. Every girl loves him. Like you know the one in the movies. Anyway, he always does this when I'm in my cheerleading outfit. He's literally taking of my clothes in his head. I could've sworn he gotten a boner. It's weird to find him staring, boys don't stare at me, only Teo. He flirts with me but I don't flirt back or anything I swear, I'm not like that. Practice is over, and I'm thanking God in my head. I don't change out of my cheerleading outfit, and neither does the rest of the girls. We all walk down the halls together talking and laughing going to our next class.

"Hey guys I'm having a sleep over tonight. I know short notice, but please come girls. I swear it's going to be fun." Taylor said to all the cheerleaders. I start think, me and Teo is having one tonight. Great. Anyway he could come over to this one!

"Could I bring one extra guest?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"Of course" she said smiling. I swear Taylor is not one of those fake captain of the cheerleaders, who's popular and have every guy falling for her, she doesn't have a perfect body. She's average, not super skinny or anything. We get along very well. All the girls nod their head saying they would come. First time Taylor invited me to a sleepover. She is popular by the way, and I heard her sleep overs are hard to get invited to, and amazingly awesome.

I walk away from the group and make a phone call.

"Hello?" Teo answered.

"Baby.. Do you want to come to one of my friends sleep over tonight? Please don't say no, it's really important." I said begging him.

"Okay but you owe me." He said, it was too easy how he said yes which means something and I don't know what it is, but I don't care.

"Yay okay bye I have to go." I said.

"Bye" he said and I hanged up.

After school I went to the mall with Erika and we had fun, shopping and everything. I ended up buying one shirt and a pair of sneakers and a cute boy to match my PJ's. I went home and changed into a pair of cute pajama shorts with a white v-neck shirt. I put on some cute slippers and grabbed my bag and pillow and blanket. Me and my mom and Charlie (she can't stay home alone) we get into the car and my mom drive me to Teo's. He sees us and climbs in the seat next to me.

"You excited to meet my friends? I have friends, isn't that exciting!" I said laughing and smiling really wide.

"Yea I am, I'm nervous though. There's going to be bunch of girls talking about girls stuff." He said not sounding excited.

"Shut up Teo, Taylor has a brother the same age as you. So don't worry." I said. We reached her house and I said my goodbyes to mom and Charlie. Taylor welcomes us to her house and let us in. The living room is nicely set up with a couple of sleeping bags and a tent. Me and Teo are the first ones here.

"I call dibs on the tent." I said running towards it. Taylor laughs.

"Okay but I don't want any funny business." She said jokingly. "I'm Taylor." She said extending her hand to Teo introducing herself.

"Teo." He said shaking her hand. "Am I going to be the only boy here?" He asked.

"No, my brother is here, but he went to go buy some goodies." She said. The doorbell rings and she goes and gets it. Me and Teo quickly get in the tent and we cuddle.

"I don't mind being alone with you here. If only it was soundproof." He said.

"Teo. I feel like these naughty comments are going to be non-stop through the night." I giggled.

"Your right at that my beautiful big booty girlfriend." He said slapping my ass. And he lays me down and goes on top of me spreading my legs apart to be in between my legs.

"Ugh Teo your like a horny dog, get off me. We're going to get caught." I said laughing. He laughs along with me and starts dry humping me. I start to laugh even more. "Teo if you don't get off me I swear I'm not going to be talking to you for a year." I said.

"No,I'm enjoying this." He said. I sit up and I push him away. There's a tent in his pajama pants around is crotch area. I laugh even more.

"Teo oh my god, I can't sleep with you tonight in here if your going to have that while we sleep." I said holding back my laugh. I didn't noticed until now, but there are some voices on the other side of the tent. I get out and Teo stays inside. Erika and Emily is here. Emily is another girl from the Cheerleaders. I say hi to them and we chat with Taylor also. Taylor brother come back with a whole bunch of snacks. Teo finally gets out of the tent and introduces himself to the girls and Taylor's brother, who's name is James. All the other girls finally came and the sleepover started.

"Why does all the girls have ponytails with a ribbon on the hair?" Teo asked. It's true, all the girls have on ponytails, and have a ribbon around their hair tie on their hair. The ribbons matches the girls pajamas. Even I had the same hair style.

"I don't know." I said shrugging my shoulders. "I guess it's a cheerleading thing." I winked.

The sleep over was fun, and I bet Teo had fun also. Some girls were literally eyeing Teo up and and down. But Teo doesn't seem to noticed. I didn't mind the girls looking at him like that. Emily and Jamie (girls from the Cheer team) started talking to him, flirting over the top. It was obvious to everyone that they were flirting with him.

"We should play 7 minutes in heaven." Says Taylor. We all nod but Teo was hesitant at first.

"Come on Teo just play." I said. "Your a chicken." I tell him mocking him. I want him to play because I don't want him to be bored throughout the sleep over. He should have some fun so he won't be upset at me for canceling on him on our own sleep over.

"Fine." He said sitting next to me in the circle. Taylor goes first and it lands on Erika. They go inside a room for 7 minutes and they come back. Then it was Erika turn, and it goes on and on. Then it was Jamie's turn and she spins the bottle and it landed on Teo. I can't even right now, like ugh. He looks at me and mouths 'holy shit help me' he said. I giggle now he has to struggle with being in a room with a girl who's obsessed with him for seven minutes.

"Come on Teo don't be a chicken." She said grabbing his hand and dragging him to the room, which was a closet and small. Teo turns around and makes a face and saying 'help me' and 'no!'. Everyone laughs.

Not even three minutes later Teo comes out.

"I've had enough, no I'm not staying in there." I laugh and Jamie comes out upset. Everyone start to laugh even harder.

When it was 4 in the morning everyone decides to go to bed.

"Babe next time I'm not coming to one of these." Teo said laying down next to me in the tent.

"I'm sorry babe I'll make it up to you." I said kissing him.

"That's cute, you think you have a choice." He said smirking. I gasped.

"So tell me, what happen during seven minutes in heave?"I asked mentioning on what happen when we played seven minute in heaven.

"More like seven minutes in hell." He said groaning. "I'll tell you tomorrow I'm tired." He said yawning and cuddle closed to me.

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