Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen: || Mary


-1 month later-

I wake up today with a smile on my face. Today is the day that everyone has been bugging about, the football game. Everyone wants our team to win and take the trophy home.

I brush my teeth and did my makeup and flat iron my hair. I put my hair in a pony tail and put the blue ribbon on my hair. I put on my cheer uniform. I walked in front of my mirror and looked at myself. I look good. The cheerleader and the football players have to wear the uniform. Well the football players only have to wear the jersey. I put on my varsity jacket and my bookbag. I went downstairs and my mom served me breakfast.

"Thank you mom." I said taking the plate and sat on the table and started eating.

"Ready for the big day?" She asked.

"No mom, I'm so nervous I feel like I will mess up." I said.

"Don't worry you'll do great." She said.

"No mom you don't understand, I have to do a flip in mid air when they throw me up. What if I mess up and fall?" I said worriedly. Even thought we practiced it and did it a bunch of times, I still feel like I'm going to mess up.

"Don't worry like I said you'll do great and I'll be on the bleachers waving at you and giving you thumbs up because you did so great.." My mom said.

"Alright mom. I'll try my best not to worry, even though it's going to be hard. I'm just glad I'm not in Taylor's potion right now." I said putting my plate in the sink.

"Your right. Good bye I'll see you tonight." My mom said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Bye mom." I said and walked out the door and walked out the door and head for school.

I walked into school and everyone is everywhere. I meet up with Erika in front of her locker.

"Hey" I said.

"You look cute." She said looking at me.

"You too. I'm so nervous." I said biting my perfectly done white nails.

"Hey don't bite your nails and don't be nervous. Taylor is a mess you should've have seen her at the nail salon yesterday." Erika said opening her locker.

"I could only imagine. And sorry I didn't go yesterday, I had to go to my uncles birthday party." I said.

"I know you told me, and it's okay everyone understood. And by the way how are you on the fact Teo is now a student in out school." Erika said.

"What?" I asked surprisingly I didn't know.

"You didn't know? Everyone knows except for you." She said closing her locker. "Look there he is right now." She said pointing to Teo as he walked into school bad all eyes are on him.

"Be right back." I said sternly.

"Ohh someone's in trouble." Erika teased and I walked to him. He saw me and had a huge smile on his face.

"Hi babe." He said.

"Teo, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I'm new here."

"Yea I figured it out just now." I said angry.

"Your not happy why aren't you happy?"

"Because Teo my private love life needs to be separated from my education. I can't have any distractions." I said to him.

"I'm sorry.. I-I didn't know." He said looking down and starching his head.

"Look at me." I said taking his head and making him look at me in the eye.

"I'm still happy to see you. Even though I couldn't since my cheerleading practices and filming for the movie which is done thank god." I said and I gave him a kiss.

"Speaking of cheerleading, I like your outfit. You loo great in a mini skirt." He said lifting it up a little. I gasped and slapped his hand away. He started laughing.

"stop Teo." I said blushing hard. The bell rang and the halls started to get empty.

"Get to class Mr.Halm before you get in trouble on your first day." I said.

"Yes baby." He said and gave me a kiss and slapped my bum and went to his first class like he already knows the place.

Game Night:

I look in the mirror and make sure my makeup is perfect. I look wonderful and I don't feel wonderful. I can't mess up today. I checked the time on my phone. 5:59 pm. The game starts at 6:15 pm and I I'm still here in the girls locker room. I hear footsteps and I turn around and Erika comes into sight.

"Hey everyone is waiting. We need to go." She said.

"Okay." I put my stuff away in the locker and fixed my pony tail and walked out with her. Once we came out the field I saw everyone was here and everyone is excited and cheering on their teams. Coach Smith comes to me.

"Come on now, we need to get into positions, it's starting any minute." She said pulling me to get to my spot.

It's almost half time and I'm nervous, even more nervous than I was in the beginning of the game. During half time we have to preform.

"You girls can take a break before half time were you girls have to work your butts." Coach smith said sending us off.

"Finally" I sighed and walked to the girls locker room inside the school. I was the only one in here and I wonder were the other girls went. All of a sudden I see Teo. I run to him and jump on him.

"Hey baby." He said kissing me in the lips.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and he's still carrying me holding me by my butt. Even though it's a weird feelings it's also comforting having Teo close to me.

"I wanted to be in here and surprise you." He shrugged.

"Well in 5 minutes I have to walk out into the field and performed in front of a whole a bunch of people." I said sighing.

"Well that's nothing compared to doing movies and tv shows were almost the whole world is watching." He said making a statement which was true.

"True, but now I'm doing something live. If I make a mistake.." I couldn't finish my sentence because I trailed off thinking about the worst case scenarios.

"Don't like that that." He said putting me down. "Your going to do great. I know it. I might have never seen you cheered before but I know you'll do well. And stop being nervous your starting to sweat a lot" he said wiping my forehead.

"I know." I laughed. "I'm sweating like a hoe in church." I said laughing and fanning myself with my hands. Teo laughed also. "I like this, you know how to make me laugh in these type of situations. Thank you." I gave him a kiss tippy toeing.

"Your welcome. I'm glad to be here for you." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. "Your short" he said noticing he had to bend his knees over to hug me.

"Shut up Teo. Your a giant and I'm a normal teenage girl." I said to him wrapping my arms around his neck and playing with the pieces of hair behind his neck. He smiled at me and leaned in for a kiss. Our lips was about to collide when we were interrupted.

"Mary, it's time." Taylor said.

"Okay I'll be right out." She nod and left. "Good luck kiss?" I said looking up to him. He leaned and gave me a kiss and I turned to walk away, but before I can walk he slaps my butt.

"Teo!" I said surprised.

"What? It's a nice ass you got there mama." He said chuckling and looking at my butt. I scoffed at him and went out into the field and got into position..

To be continued....

A/N: I'm so sorry guys!! I'll update soon I promise. But please vote for this chapter at least 2 votes for the next chapter!! Please. Comment what you guys think also, don't be ghost and just reading it. Love you all thank you for reading :)

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