Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter nineteen: || Mary


"Your short" he said noticing he had to bend his knees over to hug me.

"Shut up Teo. Your a giant and I'm a normal teenage girl." I said to him wrapping my arms around his neck and playing with the pieces of hair behind his neck. He smiled at me and leaned in for a kiss. Our lips was about to collide when we were interrupted.

"Mary, it's time." Taylor said.

"Okay I'll be right out." She nod and left. "Good luck kiss?" I said looking up to him. He leaned and gave me a kiss and I turned to walk away, but before I can walk he slaps my butt.

"Teo!" I said surprised.

"What? It's a nice ass you got there mama." He said chuckling and looking at my butt. I scoffed at him and went out into the field and got into position..


I did all the correct moves and I didn't mess up at all, I'm really proud of myself. The crowd cheered and we ran to the girls locker room to freshen up for the rest of the game.

"Yay we did it, we did amazing!" Taylor shouts walking out and jumping up and down.

"Yea we did. High five." Erika said giving her a high five.

"I honestly thought that I was going to mess up everything. When I did the flip I thought I was going to fall on my face." One of the cheerleaders said, her name is July.

"Right me too. I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that way." I said.

"Okay girls we need to get back out there and cheer for our team so they can win! Come one get your lazy bums out there!" Coach Smith yelled, and blew her whistle. Damn that women screams more than the football coach himself. We all scurry out the locker room and cheer some more.

"TOUCHDOWN!!" The speaker yelled and as on cue it started to rain. "THE DOLPHINS WIN!!" We won, our team has won the game. Everyone starts cheering and hugging. Taylor goes up to one of the players and kisses him. I walk up to Jack and give him a hug.

"Congrats! You guys did it." I said smiling.

"Thank you. You in a mini skirt gave me some motivation." He said smirking. Ugh he can be annoying I swear.

"I have a boyfriend. But anyway I have to go, again good job tonight." I said and giving him one last hug before I left. I went to the locker rooms and got my stuff. I don't bother putting on my varsity jacket because I don't want it to get wet and I didn't bring a change of clothes. I waited outside in front of the school waiting for my mom. It's been 10 minutes and she hasn't showed up. I decide to call her. I dialed her number and she picked up.

"Mom where are you?"

"I'm sorry I'm at home. I thought Teo would tell you that I left early" she said in a tired sand sleepy voice. "I have to wake up at four tomorrow, and I need my rest."

"Okay mom." I sighed. "I'll stay over at Teo's tonight."

"Okay be safe you know the rules, good night love you."

"Okay mom love you too goodnight." I hanged up and then my phoned dinged.

"Hey I'm sorry my step mom is going to pick you up right now." Teo texted me.

"Okayy I'm in front of the school." I texted him back. He read my messaged and didn't write back. I stayed here in the rain for another 5 minutes and I kept hearing thunder and the rain is coming down hard.

I see a black Range Rover pull up and I noticed who's car is that. I ran towards it and got in the backseat.

"Mary I'm sorry. Your soaking, I'm going to put on the heater now." Teo's step mom said.

"Thank you and it's okay." I said smiling at her.

"Why didn't you wait for us in the school building?" Teo asked in a 'duhh' type of voice.

"It was locked." I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay princess don't be bite." He said putting his hands up in defense.

"ohh I so bite" I said biting him and laughing.

"Ow!" He screached. I laughed and he did too.

We reached his house and it's still pouring out. We made a run for it inside his house. We walked inside and I'm dripping wet. Teo and his step mom are barely wet.

"So your sleeping over?" His step mom asked.

"Yea I am, if that's okay with you." I said.

"Of course, anytime." She said. Me and Teo walked up to his room. He started looking through his drawers and I put my hair in a messy bun and went to the bathroom and washed my face. I walked back to his room and he handed me his shirt.

"Here you can wear this shirt." He said.

"Teo this is your favorite shirt. You love this more than anything." I said.

"Yea but your more special than a shirt that I can easily wash if you ruin it." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"There's something going on isn't it. Tell me Teo."

"Nothing.. Okay yes there is something." He said.

"I knew it. Now spill it."

"Well I'm going to be in a new movie and I have to go to anew York for a couple of weeks." He said biting his nails.

"What about school?" I asked him he looked at me surprised.

"Your not upset?"

"I mean, no, it's your job I'm more proud and happy for you instead of upset.mbur I'm a little sad that I have to see you go."

"Well I don't leave until 2 months." He said.

"Turn around so I can change." I said and he did. "So are you excited?"

"Yea I mean I'm going to New York and going to do what I love."

"Okay you can look now." I said and he turned around.

"It looks better on you then it does on me." He said looking at me up and down.

"Oh Teo." I said giggling. "I'm sleepy and I'm wet so I'm going to sleep now." I said and laid down on his bed. He pulled the covers on me and laid down next to me.

"Good night beautiful." He said.

"Goodnight teddy bear."

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