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"Th-These are really for me?" Chanyeol asks as he turns to Baekhyun. "Are y-you sure..?"

Baekhyun smiles as he advances to Chanyeol, fingers working to unbutton the other's shirt. 'Of course, sweetheart.. This is your reward for being a good boy to me.'

Chanyeol's eyes light up as he takes Baekhyun's hands with his own, hesitating for a while but with Baekhyun's nod he continues, lifting the hybrid's hands to his own face and leaning into the touch.

Baekhyun looks away immediately and swallows, biting the insides of his right cheek to keep himself from showing a wide smile.

"Thank you, Master..! You're really the best hunter of all," Chanyeol says excitedly as he shifts to his wolf form after a few weeks of not shifting at all, happily devouring his meal all prepared and hunted by Baekhyun himself in the woods.

This is the first time Baekhyun has fed him fresh meat and he really feels so special now.

'Good boys will always get nice food,' Baekhyun tells Chanyeol and chuckles as he watches Chanyeol eat delicious flesh all from his efforts.

Baekhyun realizes that the thoughts and the things bothering him have almost, if not completely, cleared themselves out by now after all these weeks.

Baekhyun already has been noticing the way Chanyeol looks warily at him everytime he looks at Chanyeol seriously, the younger asking the other to not hurt him again I didn't do anything and I'm sorry, Master.

Baekhyun can't ever say that his emotions aren't affected at all by that. He's still a being after all and all creatures have feelings, whatever they are.

Well, usually.

Baekhyun doesn't know if there's a part of his memory that he has been missing out but at least he now knows he still loves Chanyeol after all, after all those extra thoughts seemingly imposed to him are gone.

He surely still loves Chanyeol.

Even if Chanyeol caused him so much pain in the past, all of what Chanyeol is doing for him right now are as if he's paying everything like a debt, and Baekhyun here feels himself starting to forgive Chanyeol for everything even before Chanyeol explains his side.

That's because he can't afford to lose Chanyeol again. And it may be ridiculous for others but he can be this generous for love. He can be this generous if only Chanyeol sees and decides to stay with him forever.

When Chanyeol was wanting Baekhyun to be his mate, Baekhyun was wanting it, too.

All pride and everything else on top of that, only remove every covers and barriers then it would be crystal clear. How much Baekhyun's love for his slave is. A slave that all those times he has been wishing to just be his mate.

Baekhyun can forget everything else if it is for Chanyeol. As long as Chanyeol would promise he won't ever lie to him again.

If he can, he would say to Chanyeol that he loves him, and Chanyeol may be feeling the same way, too.

If only it's that easy. If only it's that easy to exchange everything for Chanyeol.

But he knows he can't.

Until now he still doesn't know if he can give up everything for Chanyeol again like how he did in the past.

Baekhyun can only show how much he cares in the only ways he knows.

* * * * *

"If I give him his bi-weekly dose of blood, his body is only going to wake up all of what I said before. And all the progress would go back to zero," Kyungsoo mutters as he shuffles on the bed with Jongin.

"So..? What should we do? Would Baekhyun not be put in danger with that? From not giving him your blood for replenishing?" Jongin asks Kyungsoo who is now running his hands through the vampire's hair lovingly, Jongin's head rested comfortably over Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"If I give him blood, he will also be in danger. It's lose-lose, Jongin.."

"Then what's safer?"

Kyungsoo shakes his head to himself. "There's none of them that is safe."

"But are there no other options where we can keep hyung safe without you giving him hybrid blood?" Kyungsoo sighs.

"There aren't alternatives for my blood that he needs. But if I delay giving it for a small amount of time, it would work, though Baekhyun would be temporarily weakened every day. Yet we still need the blood I have left in him to be completely neutralized by then."

"That's why we plan to give a beta werewolf blood to Baekhyun hyung, right?" Jongin says.

"Yes, because beta werewolf blood is a neutralizer. We need Chanyeol's blood to enter Baekhyun's veins.."

"Chanyeol," Jongin briefly echoes.

"Oh, right," Kyungsoo mutters when he realizes, his eyes widening. "If Baekhyun has been biting Chanyeol and drinking his blood everyday starting from the time I last gave him blood until now, this would be easy.."

"But Baekhyun hyung didn't drink Chanyeol's blood at that time and we don't know.. maybe until today."

Kyungsoo cusses. "We need to make Baekhyun know as soon as possible."

"Are you sure, Kyungsoo?"

Kyungsoo looks at Jongin who is now staring at him with that look again, like he's watching the universe infront of his eyes.

"Honestly? I'm not sure if I am ready to tell him or not. I don't know how he would react."

"It's for Baekhyun and Chanyeol," Jongin reminds.

"Yes, that's right." Kyungsoo says and sighs deeply. Not only that, Jongin.

Not only that. It's for the love I have broken.

For the love that was far too precious to deserve being destroyed by someone else.

[UNION] Always Yours, Master || BAEKYEOL/ CHANBAEKWhere stories live. Discover now