Special Chapter 3 - Stop It*

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A/N: There are scenes of other ships/ couples here so if you don't like it, don't read. 😅✌️

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Chanyeol stares at the baby in Minseok's arms, eyes following those tiny hands and those tiny kicks the baby makes.

"He's so cute, isn't he?" Minseok asks Chanyeol as he cradles the baby closer to his chest.

Chanyeol only smiles weakly as he hears the baby's heartbeat starting to match his parent's.

"Like a miracle.." Chanyeol mumbles as he longingly stares a bit more.

"Yes. Jongdae gave this treasure to our life," Minseok says as his eyes shine with love and amusement as he looks down at his child and smiles at him, giving him a kiss in the air.

"I want to give Baekhyun a child.." Chanyeol confesses as he looks at Minseok, the alpha's expression changing as he hears that, face turning concerned.

"You know you can't, Chanyeol, right? I know it hurts but please don't make it harder for the two of you.. Please accept being a beta.."

Chanyeol bites his lips and nods. "I.. just want to see him that happy.. when he holds a child we can call our own.. I know I can't have that.. But I can dream, right?"

Minseok stares at Chanyeol's teary eyes, eyebrows furrowing a bit. "To dream about it and expect it in your mind.. That would just hurt more, Chanyeol.."

"I-I understand.." Chanyeol says and nods. "I'm sorry I broke your moment with y-your s-son.."

Minseok shakes his head. "It's okay.. You're part of the pack, of the family. I should help all wolves here in need in every way I can.."

* * * * *

"I'm really sorry.." Yixing sobs into Junmyeon's shoulders as the latter strokes his back to try and comfort him.

"There's nothing to worry about. There's no one to be blamed, alright? Besides, I didn't say you're required to be able to conceive before I would love you fully.."

The omega only cries out more as he speaks again. "But I want to make you happy. I want to give you a child because you want your own family.. I-I can't give it.. If you only know how much it hurts.."

Baekhyun hiccups as he closes his eyes and shakes his head quickly.

No. Chanyeol won't feel the same way, right? You two already talked about this before, right? You've already told him it's okay, right?

Baekhyun sits on the bench and takes a deep breath.

They've already talked about it before.

They've already talked about it before.

They've already talked about it before.

It's okay, Baekhyun.

Baekhyun turns to his left and catches Chanyeol's figure.

Chanyeol is talking with Minseok, and he's.. crying..?

"But Junmyeon, I really feel bad..!"

Baekhyun feels a lump in his throat as he hears Yixing again.

Male omegas have a reproductive system inside them that makes them capable of carrying a child and giving birth. But it's already known that that time before, long ago, about two years? One year? Baekhyun isn't sure.

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