Midnight Kisses

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PLOT- Ash has a plan to over throw papa Dino but he wants to make sure he won't lose Eiji in the process. Eiji of course doesn't want to stay, he knows it will probably be for the best but in his mind he would rather be there if anything happens.

In two more hours I will know if this plan of mine is a fail or not, I am going to end this little 'fight' between Papa Dino and I, I'm tired of being caged and controlled. I can't risk the life of the one person I can't lose, I have to convince Eiji to stay here in the safe house the gang has found. I'm laying on my bed in my dark room, I have to think clearly. I'm just to focused on Eiji, I wouldn't be able to protect him and fight properly.

He would be in the way and get himself hurt. He could even be killed. I don't want that. If I lost him I don't know what I'd do.. I'd lose my mind.. Not him.. I will fight to keep him. No matter what happens.. He will be safe.

My eyes go straight to the door when I hear someone touch the door knob "Ash, Max said you wanted to talk to me?" Eiji asks opening the door walking into my dark room and interrupting my thoughts, he was on my mind anyway so I don't mind the interruption. "Yeah, have a seat, we need to talk about something serious" I say looking at him, my curtains are open letting in the moon light, it's the only light in my room. I sit up and he walks over and sits next to me on the bed.

"No matter what you say I'm going with you guys.. Let me fight with you Ash" Eiji says before I have a chance to say it. He's a little mind reader "no way in hell are you going" I say without hesitation, I know it's harsh but I have to be this way "I can't stay here..." he says and I give him a look "..the safest place for you is where I can find you" I say and Eiji looks at the ground.

I sigh and go to speak but he speaks before me "what about you..?" he asks and I shrug "I can protect myself Eiji" I say and he looks at me "and what if you cant? What if you don't come back??" He asks looking at me with mixed emotions in his eyes.

I shake my head looking into his eyes "I will come back for you." I say and he looks away "I don't want you to leave me.. I know it's selfish.. I just don't want to wake up one day and you be gone forever" he whispers and I gently grab his hand. He is worrying to much today. "I will be back" I say truthfully. I have him to come back to, of course I'm not gonna let them kill me.

Eiji looks me in my eyes "you can't be sure of that" he says and I smirk "so you really doubt me that much? I'm hurt! I thought you cared about me !" I say with a chuckle and fake hurt look, he looks away and shakes his head "I love you Ash.. I don't want to lose you" he says and all my joking goes down the drain.

I wait a few seconds hoping he will just say he is joking. I move away from him and look at him shocked, I don't know what to do, he loves me? Does that mean he wants sex? Or maybe he just wants my body and thinks saying that will get it? No way.. Eiji isn't like that, he would never be like that. OH I GET IT! he means as a close friend "..it's gross huh? ...I'm sorry.. Ill just.. Go" he says and stands up, he goes to leave the room and my body moves on its own, I grab his hand stopping him from leaving.

"What do you mean by that?.." I ask hoping for a good answer, Eiji is important to me. Does that mean I love him? I don't want to lose him. Is that love? I want to stay by his side no matter what "Ash.. I have feelings for you.. I want you to be safe, I want you to live and be happy, I don't want a bad life for you.. I love you" he says and my eyes widen slightly "I love you too" I say looking at him, I'm telling the truth.

He looks at me shocked "w-what?" He asks and I pull him close and kiss him lips, he hesitates and kisses back. I place my hands on his hips, I deepen the kiss, this is different from our first kiss when I was slipping him the note. This has emotions and feelings in it, he breaks away and I am sad. I open my eyes and look at him, I'm met by his dark deep brown eyes, I was afraid of the dark when I was younger but right now.. All I can think about is his beautiful dark hair and eyes.

I want to say something, anything. I'm just stunned, I want him. I need him, I know what to say now "never leave me" I whisper and he smiles and I feel my heart beat faster, what is he doing to me?! "I am yours Ash" he says and I smirk and kiss him gently then pull away "you better go get some sleep, sneaking midnight kisses with me. I'll see you after everything goes down okay" I say and he sighs and nods "no dying.. " he whispers "same to you" I say back and kiss his lips again in a quick motion. I think I'm addicted to his lips...

He smiles and kisses my lips and I hold the kiss, it becomes a loving one, a deep and passionate one, it starts to get more passionate and I have the urge to put him on the bed, I stop myself from making any moves knowing it probably for the best. Eiji breaks the kiss "This isn't over though delicate American" he says and pulls away from me, he goes and opens the door, I smirk and watch as he leaves my room. He shuts the door behind him and I can't help but smile, he is going to be mine, not because he's forced but because he wants me too.

No matter what I'll protect him.

(Authors note)

Hey! This is the first one shot. If you having any requests or ideas please comment. Leave a like if you want to read more!

Ash x Eiji (one shots, Including Smut)Where stories live. Discover now