ZOMBIES!! part 2

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This part two of Zombies!! will be sad!

If you don't like sad then please don't read this chapter, I've decided to do a part three to this but that will be the last chapter for the ZOMBIES! oneshot.

I hope you enjoy!

Good luck...


Skip POV
I laugh so happy hugging both of them tightly, I've been alone out here for a few days now and it's been so awful and lonely, I got separated from Alex and Bones when we got surrounded by a herd of Zombies that were passing through the town we were staying in, when I was walking down the road I heard some voices and followed them but I had no idea it was Boss and Eiji!

I should have noticed Ash by the blonde hair but it just didn't click, I didn't want to get my hopes up for nothing, I'm so happy that it's them though!

I thought they were gone forever since when we went to go find them they were no where to be found, I'm so happy to see them.

Boss pulls away from the hug first "we need to get out of the open. It's great to see you Skipper" he says smiling lightly, I smile back and nod happy "you're right boss, let's go!" I say and Boss nods and he grabs Eijis hand quickly.

Eiji follows him closely, boss must have been protecting Eiji this whole time. They have been together for a long time before the apocalypse started so I'm not surprised that Boss has kept Eiji close to him.

He loves him so much, from the beginning Boss has needed Eiji close to him to stay stable, I've seen him lose his humanity before before we even met Eiji, Boss is staying alive by keeping his only support alive.


I am so happy me and Eiji were the ones who found Skipper, someone worse could have found him out here alone or he could have been snatched up by a Zombie, he was lucky to find us when he did.

I take both of them inside a building quickly, I don't let go of Eijis hand making sure he stays close to me so that we don't get separated, once all three of us are inside the run down building I let go of Eijis hand and I hand him my gun so that he can go and search the building with Skipper safely, the building isn't huge but it's big enough to have zombies in it.

Eiji loads the gun then looks up at me, I kiss his cheek "be safe" I whisper and he nods "of course!" He says and Skipper nods quickly , the two of them walk down the hallway.

I walk over and around the room, I start by shutting the door and blocking out the windows, when I'm done I do one last double check then I go and walk around the building to see where Eiji and Skipper went.

I hear a gunshot come from in the building and I rush towards it quickly without a second thought, I run down the hallway quickly, I hear two more gunshots before I reach the door then as I reach for the door knob there is one more gunshot.

Fear goes through me and I swing the door open quickly to see a familiar face the moment I look in, my eye meet cold dead ones and it makes me want to puke...

Eiji POV (before the gunshots)
I carefully enter one of the empty rooms with Skipper walking close behind me, I have the gun held up just in case there's any danger, just like Ash has taught me, the first room is empty completely besides two old magazines ripped up on the floor.

Me and Skipper go through each room and the building seems to be completely clear so far, we walk to the last door and I open it holding up the gun and walking it, when I see a person my eyes widen and I go to yell for Ash but then I feel something but my head and everything goes dark.

Skipper POV
I turn to see Eiji fall to the ground, when he drops his gun I pick it up quickly and fire one shot hitting the gross pig of a man in the chest, I recognize this man, Marvin, he has put Boss through so much pain!

I go to fire another shot but then I feel two small pains go through my chest and I hear gunshots, I gasp for air and my body starts going numb, the gun slips out of my hand and onto the floor.

My eyes start tearing up and my body falls on top of Eijis, I try to hold on as long as I can, I look up to see the life drain from Marvins eyes then I realize the other guy in the room, I try to reach for the gun I dropped when I was shot, I grab it quickly then check it.

I have one bullet left, if I turn then I will become a monster.... If I don't shoot the man, people I care about will follow my death...

I aim the gun "Only one bullet" I whisper then pull the trigger.

To be continued.....


----cliff hanger!!----

I'm sorry! If you liked this chapter please leave a like and comment on what you think happened and how you feel! I like reading the comments and I like to see what you think about it, I know this one was really sad so I made sure to make a warning, than I you for reading! See you next chapter!!

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