Its Just Notes

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PLOT- Eiji has been in Japan for five years after faking his death, only Ash knows the truth about Eiji, it was Ashes plan to send Eiji away to protect him. Ash and Eiji send letters to each other the old fashion way.

I recently got two new letters from Eiji, he's been gone for three years now and the only way we keep in touch is through the letters, I miss him so much sometimes, he's the only one that keeps me sane anymore, I live in a old ran down apartment building, me and him shared it for a few months, I think of him every time I go to sleep.

I just wish he was here right now, I am in the apartment building, I've been keeping myself calm and I've been sending letters to him using a fake name, I haven't heard his voice in so long, missing him is all I ever do anymore these days. I pull out the new letters and set them down on the bed, it's just me here, the rest of my gang stay around the area but besides that I have no one else, I get to have this moment where I have Eiji again, to see how he's been, to see how he is doing, to know he is safe.

I pick up one of the letters and open it carefully, I pull out the paper and unfold it, I smile looking at Eijis hand wrighting, so cute, I get comfy in the bed and lean my back against the wall, I take a deep breath, I always get really worried before reading these.

I start to read the letter smiling lightly even though the nervousness is getting to me, he is safe right? He sent two letters, he should be fine ? Or maybe somethings wrong... I need to think clearly and relax.

Dear Ash
Thank you for your last letter!
I really like it when I get your letters, I'm sorry the letters dont send faster, I wish we could just text each other, or see each other normally... We don't have to be in two different world's anymore Ash.. You don't have to push me away, I won't hurt you.. I just want to be by your side, I know it's been years, I haven't seen you face to face in so long..

Other then that.. I've been worried about you, everything is fine here, it's always fine here, I feel like I've been caged.. Pulled away from who I really am meant to be.. I just want to be around you and I'm tired of all the lonely nights where I do nothing but miss you, five years have to be enough... Please come see me Ash.. Check the other letter..

From- Eiji

I finish reading the letter and I'm frozen, it's not safe.. He could get hurt.. I don't waist time to put the letter in my pocket so I have it clothes to me, I reach for the other letter and hesitantly pick it up and open it but I don't pull anything out of it.

I just stare at it, I'm not sure what I'm going to find but I'm worried, I rethink everything in my head then I slowly pull the things out of the letter, I see one plane ticket and a small note, I open the note and read it.

I will always love you Ash.
No matter what I'll always stay by your side.
Please come see me.

I finish reading it and I start to cry, I can't stop the tears, I feel kinda happy, he loves me, he cares for me. I look at the plane ticket and I smile, I'm going to go see him.

I love him too.

These where more then just notes.

(I hope you guys liked these! Comment and like! Bye till next time!!)

Ash x Eiji (one shots, Including Smut)Where stories live. Discover now