Runing Dreams

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PLOT: Ash is on the run with his boyfriend Eiji. Ash just wants to protect Eiji and keep him safe, but, Eiji just wants to help and protect Ash.

Eiji is a human who fell in love with Ash who is a Vampire.

(The type of vampire he is, is he can't go in the sunlight, he needs human blood to survive, animal blood doesn't work for him, he is very very strong and fast, added to the fact that he's smart af. He was turned into a vampire when he was 17, he's about 217 years old, he has a reflection in a mirror, if he doesn't get enough blood he goes crazy and turns into a monster)

Hope you guys enjoy!

Eiji POV
I'm laying down in the back seat of the car Ash is driving, I have a big blanket draped over me, it's the middle of the night and I'm starting to get tired, we're on the run from a crazed monster hunter who wants to kill Ash for the glory of it, he is part of the Lee family, that's all I know about him though, Ash refused to explain any further, he says it's for my protection but I just feel like I'm stuck in the dark with all of this.

Of course I understand why he doesn't want me getting involved but I'm already involved in this, he can't protect me and keep close at the same time, when he hides things a distance forms between us, I don't want that and neither does he.

I sigh and close my eyes thinking to myself "what's wrong?" Ash asks and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in, I open my eyes and sit up looking at him or more like his shadow covered back "just thinking.. " I mumble, Ash glances back at me his blonde hair slightly shining in the street lights, then he looks back at the road "about what?" he asks and I look down at my hands, I fiddle with the small blanket on my lap "about you" I say and I can see his reflection in the windshield, he raised a brow and smirked lightly.

He's to cocky for his own good.

I shake my head smiling, he's cute like that "not in that way" I say laughing, he chuckles "then about me being a vampire?" He asks quietly, I can see the stern upset look on his face in the reflection, I don't waste time and shake my head "I already told you that I'll love you for you, you being a vampire changes nothing for me" I say and I see his reflection nod.

We have been dating for about a year now, I didn't know anything about him being a vampire till two months ago when he chose to tell me his secret, I tried to make feel better but he's just been pushing me away when the topic comes up.

I rub my fingers through my hair as I yawn "you should really get some sleep" he says and I nod "when the sun starts to rise, park and wake me up okay?" I ask making sure he understands, last time he refused to do it and ended up hurting himself.

We have been in the run for one whole month now, I've gotten used to sleeping in the back of a car, Ash doesn't need sleep, the back seat windows are tented a special way so that no sunlight gets through, it's so that during the day I can drive and he can be safe in the backseat.

I am just really worried for him, I cross my arms grumpy, Ash glances back at me and laughs, his laugh is really comforting to me "I know, I know 'mom' now get some rest" he says laughing, he's smiling now, he won't stop teasing me and calling me a mother though, I pout then laugh, I can't stay mad at him, he's sweet and cute in his own way, he's such a tease though "fine" I say and lay back down on the seat pulling the blanket over me and setting my head in my pillow.

I look at his reflection one more time, I wish I didn't have to sleep so that I could spend more time with Ash "Good night, sweet dreams Eiji" Ash says and I smile "good night Ash" I whisper.

It takes me a minute to get comfy, I close my eyes and relax my body, once I do I'm out like a light, the darkness consumes my thoughts and I'm fully asleep in a matter of seconds.

I open my eyes and the world around me is black, I blink then rub my eyes, when I open them again and glance around all I see is a speck in the distance, it's still dark all around me but I can see a small blonde dot but it hides away in the nothingness, so far away but it's the only thing I can see other then the shadows of the dark around me.

I start walking towards it and in a matter of seconds I find that my legs more on my own, I'm running full speed, I keep going the dot not getting any closer, I trip and my eyes shut tightly, when there's no contact to the floor I open my eyes again and I'm lying in bed next to Ash and it's morning, the bright sunlight fills the room through the curtains and Ash is perfectly fine, I smile and snuggle close to him.

I don't know what's going on, I'm not even sure if I want to even find out, I just want to snuggle with Ash and enjoy this moment with him close to me.

I smell the scent of cookies and chocolate and I look up at him and giggle, I find it funny how comfortable I am and how much this seems weird to me. I go to speak but I sneeze and my eyes shut close, when I open them Ash is standing in front of me, I can tell where we are, it's the bar we first met in, just a normal bar, a friend of mine made me go with her and I met Ash, I kinda fell for him as first glance.

He connects our lips pushing his body against mine, I kiss back wrapping my arms around his shoulders holding onto him tightly, I want this, he pushes one of his hands up my shirt feeling up my body with his cold soft hands that I've come so fond of.

I can't help it at all, I want him so badly. He pulls away from the kiss and I open my eyes, we're in the car and it's bright daylight, I get on his lap and he holds onto my hips, we connect our lips again not wasting any time, he gently nips my bottom lip, I moan quietly and shiver in pleasure.


The voice sounds like Ash, but I'm kissing Ash?


I hear it again and break the kiss, Ash disappears and I'm left alone in the car.

"Come on Eiji it's time to wake up baby"

"Ash, where are you? " I ask now very upset not quite sure what's going on, I just know that I'm alone and hearing voices.

~(end of dream)~

I open my eyes and they meet with bright green ones, it was just a dream, thank god! I'm so happy, well part of me is filled with sadness, I know I will never get to be in sunlight and still have Ash by my side.

I frown and then I feel a soft pair of lips pressed to my forehead, I smile "good morning, sorry for the trouble" I say and he shakes his head "it's fine baby" he says.


This was an experiment , I'm sorry if you don't enjoy it. I'm thinking of many different ideas so I'm trying to find a good mix.

Hope you guys enjoyed!! I will like to suggest you guys check out my new Ask Banana fish! It should be interesting! Thank you for reading this !

Ash x Eiji (one shots, Including Smut)Where stories live. Discover now