Running chances

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The Third and last part of the 'Running' OneShot series, these have been fun to make, I hope you guys enjoyed them, I may do a vampire one again later on but the plot will be different.



I need to think quickly, I can trick Lee Yut Lung easily I just have to think it through and make it fool proof, maybe I should go simple? If I go simple then he won't even suspect a thing from me. I understand how dumb it sounds, I really do but I know what I'm doing when it comes to trucking a over confident hunter.

I pick up a big rock and quickly crush it to dust using as much strength as I needed but I'm saving some for my other plans, if I run out things can go down hill, when I'm done making the dust I sprinkle it all over the front seat making sure to make it realistic and believable.

I need to make it look like I was turned to ash, ironic I know, I pick up the car and slam the front of it against a tree then leave it there, I want to make it look like there was a wreck, this is taking a toll on my body for sure I need to hurry up quickly.

I look over at Eiji, he is working on plans, I can tell from the sexy look in his eyes, he is always trying to protect me when it's more my job to protect him, it's cute how protective he gets. I don't deserve his amazing love.


One extra problem that just popped into my mind.

I'm sure Lee Yut Lung saw Eiji, I plan to make it look like Eiji fell into the river that is a mile or two away, I can just faintly hear it, maybe I could make it look like he got freaked out and just started running off in a random direction and didn't see where he was going and just fell in. Should be believable enough.

I might not have to even worry about that, Lee most likely will just ignore that Eiji even exists since his target it me.

Even so, I don't want to risk it, I am starting to feel the effects of my neglect of hunting.

My head is pretty much spinning, I am starting to not think straight, my need for blood is getting worse, I'm running out of strength, I know that I'm going to need more blood or I'm going to lose control of myself.


I need to focus.

I look around me and try to think about the sounds around me but only one sound hits me, this isn't good, I can only think about Eijis pulse, the pumping of a heart beat drowns my ears and my body freezes, oh fuck I need to focus- "Ash, are you okay, we need to go, he's going to be here any moment now" Eiji says interrupting my thoughts, his voice brings me to a stable state of mind.

I still don't respond though, I have to keep myself completely still it's only because I don't trust myself to make any movements right now.

I need blood but I refuse to get it from Eiji, I'm wasting time.. The sun will be up any second now.

Once the sun fully gets in the sky my chances of getting away turn to 0. I just have to calm down.. I keep saying that but it's not working. Eiji needs to run and get away before it to late.

Eiji POV
Ash doesn't move after I speak to him, I don't know whats going on I just know that I need to get him out of here quickly before the sun comes up "Ash?" I ask trying to get a response then it hits me, I should have realized sooner.

He's starving..

I take a deep breath "Hey Ash are you hungry?" I ask and his eyes meet mine, they are begging me not to, I know he doesn't want it but he needs it, I can't let him die.

I lean down quickly and grab a piece of glass making a small like if my neck, enough to get a little bit of blood out, this is a bad idea. I know that. The chance of me dying are so high I can barely focus but when it comes to Ash, I'll do anything.

For a long moment he doesn't say anything then he speaks when his nose catches the scent of blood, his eyes turn red and I take a deep breath, we are running out of time anyway, I have to do this for Ash. "Eiji... Im.. I'm sorry.." He whispers and I blink then he's next to me, he pins me against a tree then I feel a small pain on my neck then it goes numb and start feeling kinda good.

I hold onto him tightly, it's such a weird feeling I can barely focus on it but at the same time, Ashs body pressed against mine is distracting, after a few seconds Ash pulls away and wipes his mouth, he must have found a way to stop himself.

I watch as his eyes widen when he looks at his hands, some of my blood was on his hands and he shakes for a second almost completely frozen "I'm so sorry, I promise I didn't want to, I'm so sorry" he says whispers staring at his hands.

I am panting it feels like my heart might be way out of its chest, I ignore it though, I reach out and gently grab his hand holding it tightly "I made you, we have to go, are you going to be okay?" I ask and he looks away from his hands looking up at me and kisses my lips gently, I kiss back and when he pulls away he picks me up "I love you.. I won't hurt you like that again" he whispers and I hold onto him, he takes off running, I saw the worry and conflict playing in his eyes, I hold my breath as he does so, my thoughts running wild as he runs all the way to another state, he enters a building and set me down.

He was just going so fast that I could barely keep I track of where he were. I hug him and he hugs back "please turn me into a vampire like you" I whisper and Ash pulls away looking at me shocked "where did that come from? So suddenly, don't you know what just happened!?" He says clearly upset "I know Ash but wouldn't be better for you if I wasn't human?" I ask and Ash looks away.

I want to know what he's thinking, how he's feeling. Being a vampire means I get to spend forever with Ash, I want that, I want that more then anything.

I look up at Ash with determination "I want to be with you no matter what. Please let me stay by your side" I say hopefully.

Ash doesn't look at me for a long moment, I feel free fill me, I shouldn't be pushing all of this in him so suddenly, I shouldn't be forcing him, I open my mouth but no words come out, I'm just way to nervous to trust any words to come out that's not stuttering.

Ash finally looks up at me and my nervousness fades with his living look "if you are sure you want that then I'll do it for you... I love you more then anything and I don't want you to regret it" he says and I smile "thank you Ash" I whisper and kiss him.

I want to be his one and on only and so then for us, that means we'll be each other's forever.then

That's all I want.





This took me awhile to finish, school got crazy and now I have a little free time.
Whoop whoop!
I hope you guys enjoyed! If you did leave a like! See you next time!

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