Our Moment

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PLOT- Ash is a prince, at the royal ball his job is to dance and show his elegance, one dance of the night changes his world forever.


I stand straight but I make it seem as though I dont know what I'm doing, just an idiot prince, I look down at all of the people attending the ball, I have to prove I'm a new leader even though I know what I'm doing "welcome everyone! I hope you have a great time, please don't let me intrude in on this moment" I say and bow, I used a happy tone and everyone buys it and claps then the ball starts.

The people begin to talk and dance.

That was easy enough...

I actually hate these, having so many people who I don't know pretend to know me, now I have to dance!? Ugh, not my thing for sure. I rather be a knight then at least I could die for something I believe in.. The way this is going I'll be forced to marry someone I don't love then she gets pissed and poisons me. It happens a lot.

Trust me.

I walk down the stairs, down to the dance floor, apparently it looks good when the Prince gets involved with his people. If you ask me, I'm not meant to be the prince, it's like I'm stuck in a cage and I hate it. I want to break free.

I look up and see a woman in a long red dress with short black hair, she spots me and smiles at me then walks over, I recognize her as my late knights older sister, her brother Shorter Wong was an amazing knight, he was struck down by the rival kingdoms assassin, it was devastating for me and his family.

She speaks up and is now standing in front of me "Aslan? I am Shorter's older sister, if you remember him of course, he was just a night, it is nice to see you again" she says smiling but sadness fills her voice, I nod and smile back it hurts to speak about Shorter "of course I remember the purple knight" I say and chuckle, my laughter holds some sadness, Shorter wasn't just my knight, he was my best friend, the only person who saw me as a person.

The worst part of Shorters death is that he is seen as a failure because he died from an assassin and not in a battle or protecting me, I wish he didn't die, it wasn't right, not to someone like him, is angers me that he is viewed so lowly.

She bows to me "I'm sorry he failed you" she says and I shake my head and when she leans back up I bow to her "I am honored to have even met your brother" I say and look at her, tears fill her eyes "thank you.." She whispers and I nod, he leaves wiping away her tears. I wish I could do more for his family..

I sigh and start exploring more of the room visiting slightly with the guests.

I need to get through this ball as quickly as possible, I look around the room, I hear a small argument, my curiosity gets the better of me and I step closer to the voices it's a older Japanese man speaking to a younger boy, I look at the boy in awe, he looks to be a young teeneger, I want to talk to him and I don't know why.

I take a step closer and a girl grabs my hand and I try to pull it away but she doesn't let go, I look at her and she glares, damn it... It's Maxs wife, the old hag. Max is one of the knights of the kingdom and I trust him but I hate his wife, she'd sell me for parts if she could.

I glare at her and she glares back "what the hell are you doing? You need to be speaking to some of the important visitors" she says and I roll my eyes, I look over at the Japanese boy and his eyes meet mine, I freeze and find myself getting lost in his dark brown eyes, so amazing, I go to take a step closer but I am stopped by the old hags hold on my arm, I look at her hand in my arm then back at the boy.

The boy looks at the man in front of him then quickly walks over to me and Max's old lady, he bows respectfully "I was meaning to come speak to him sorry if I'm intruding but we have something of high importance to speak about" he says, it seems like he isn't used to speaking English and it's clear he's lying but Jessica doesn't notice, she lets go of my arm and gives me a glare "stay focused" she says and I roll my eyes nodding.

I look back to my him happy to just look at him, he's different, I don't want him to leave, he turns and says something to the other older Japanese man in Japanese, the man leaves clearly angry.

The boy looks at me and smiles "it's nice to meet you my name is Eiji" he says and I smile back "I'm Aslan but you can call me Ash" I say and start walking with him, of course I apologize for making him save me, he says he doesn't mind and it makes me happy that he helped.

We talk back and forth, I learn more about him and I don't hesitate to tell him about me, I leave out anything that might scare him off but I still open up to him a lot.

I even decide to tell him about Shorter, after what seems like hours me and him walk outside to the garden, I feel like I can see differently then before. I want him apart of my royal court.. I want him to be by my side but I know that no one will accept him as my wife, he is a male after all, I don't care what they think, to be happy I need Eiji in my life.

I look around the garden, it's dark with only the moon as the light, we are the only ones out here "Hey uh.. Eiji?" I say and he smiles "yeah?" He asks and I put my hand out "Eiji, would you like to dance?" I ask and I see his cheeks go darker, he's blushing, a slight shine from the moon light, lights up his eyes, the music from inside is loud enough to be heard out here so this is perfect.

He nods and takes my hand, I smile and pull him closer to me, I start with a simple waltz of course he has two left feet and stumbles over my feet a couple of times, it's adorable but I want to tease him about it, I chuckle and he gets upset "respect your elders" he says and I laugh even more and pull away, he's 21 and I'm 19, I was actually really shocked when he told me his age since he looks so young "sorry sorry, my toes just couldn't take any more of the pain" I say to pick on him.

He huffs and I try to hold back my laughter "fine smart guy let's see how you react to this" he says and kisses my cheek, it gives me more room for teasing!

"Nice one.. For a girl" I say and he looks amazing embarrassed, I am happy it's dark cause I think I might be blushing, he actually kissed my cheek! I start to laugh then I suddenly feel warm lips pressed against mine, the laughter goes away as the amazing soft warm lips move against mine, I'm shocked at first from the sudden kiss but I don't hesitate to kiss him back, I pull him closer placing my hands on his hips as we kiss, it feels so right. This is supposed to be wrong, he's a guy but... I want him as my queen but.. People will see this and want him gone, how can this be wrong when this feels so right.

Nothing has ever felt this amazing and real before, I can't lose my Eiji.

I hope you enjoyed this! I waited so long so I did three in a roll to make up for it, I'm not sure when my next one will be but I hope you guys are enjoying these, please leave a like if you do and comment, thank you! See you next time!

Ash x Eiji (one shots, Including Smut)Where stories live. Discover now